
Great First Jobs For Teens

If your son or daughter is ready to head into the workforce, a retail job would be a great starting place. Working in retail will teach them many skills that will come in handy later in life. Below we will go over some different retail establishments that make great jobs for teens.

1. Game Store: Most teens these days are into video games. They definitely know more about them than many adults. For this reason they would be great retail sales people for game stores. Working for a game store would help develop sales skills that could come in handy for future careers.

2. Department Store:
Department stores offer many different opportunities for teens. They can become cashiers, stock people, or do sales. Learning to run a cash register would be great for every teen. Everyone should know how to count back change, and being a cashier is one of the best ways to learn this skill. No matter which position they choose, they will interact with customers on a daily basis. This will improve their interpersonal skills greatly. Dealing with the public takes tact, patience, and understanding. You teen will benefit by learning these skills early in life.

3. Parts Store:
Working in a parts store would help your teen by teaching them about automotive supplies and accessories. Everyone should have at least a basic understanding of the workings of an automobile. By working with the parts and helping answer customer's questions, they will learn about the different parts, where they go, and how they work.

4. Building Supply Store:
Stores such as Lowe's, Home Depot, and ACE, would offer a teen the opportunity to learn about many useful things. If they decided to go into plumbing or electrical careers for instance, they would already know what some of the instruments of the job are, and how they work. Or, if they wanted to pursue a career in horticulture, working in the garden department of any of these stores would provide invaluable experience on plants and their care. There could even be opportunities to learn about contracting and architecture working in the lumber department of a building supply store.

5. Pawn Shop:
This one may sound a little strange; so let me explain. By working in a pawnshop a teen will learn about empathy and compassion. A lot of people who come to pawn shops are in dire straights, and have to sell something very important to them. Your teen will learn to deal with them professionally and courteously. It is important for all of us to learn to treat our fellow man with respect, and working in a pawn shop will certainly help develop this trait.

As you can see, there are many different kinds of retail jobs available, and they each offer opportunities for your teen to grow as a person and learn things that can help them to succeed in whatever career they choose. Encourage your teen to try something about which they may be a little apprehensive. Facing our fears is another way to grow, and as parents this is just another way we can help our children accomplish whatever they set out to do in life.

by Angel Sharum

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