In A Tough Economy
Are your fingers tired from filling out application after application? Have you reworked your resume, searched different career sites, posted your resume online, and applied month after month to various job announcements without success? If you are frustrated with the job search in this tough economy, you are not alone. Many Americans have great qualifications, including work experience and higher education. For one reason or another, they cannot find a job for which they are qualified.
For a short-term fix, find temporary work in fields like substitute teaching, childcare, clerical staffing, and medical services. Unfortunately, this is not the time to feel haughty about your credentials and work experience. This is the time to be practical, to cast your net far and wide, and to do a good job in your temporary position.
The best thing that you can do is be positive, keep searching, and bloom where you are planted. A good job opportunity will surface eventually if you can fight the disillusionment and find patience. To be proactive, you must remember to be your own job coach. With the end result in mind, you must believe that an opportunity is lined up in your future. The present economy does not always reward your prayers, work experience, and effort of filling out hundreds of applications with an ideal outcome.
Consider these points about the job you might find:
1. The job might not pay as much as you want to make or were making in your last job.
2. You may be over-qualified for the position, but you might have to take it because you really need a job.
3. You may not see yourself going anywhere in this new position, but having a job is better than having no job.
4. You may not understand why you got this job, but it may be the first step toward a great opportunity for a career that you never considered.
5. Life has a way of taking you in new directions that you don't understand. When you get there, you will be pleasantly surprised.
6. Whatever job you find, do your best. You need to have good references and job stability throughout your resume.
7. Whatever you end up doing in this position, you will be able to acquire more skills and experience to sell yourself later on in your career.
Remember, your job search is not in vain. You will find more opportunities when the economy improves.
by AudraBianca