
To Help Prevent Heart Disease

Warning! You can have heart disease and not even know it!
Every year millions of people who feel healthy and in control of their lives die of heart disease. It can be a completely silent disease without obvious symptoms. This is particularly true in diabetics, who may feel completely healthy up until the day they experience their first heart attack.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take for heart disease prevention:

Eat a balanced, low fat diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
Today we know that there are both good and bad fats. Good fats are heart healthy and include the monounsaturated fats found in nuts and olive oil. It’s okay to add moderate quantities of these oils to your diet. Bad fats are saturated fats found in animal products, including meat and milk as well as certain oils such as palm and coconut oil. Bad fats should be limited to less than 7% of your daily caloric intake if you’re practicing a heart disease prevention diet.

Get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each day. Aerobic
exercise can include walking at a fast pace, jogging, jumping rope, fast bicycling, or any other activity that causes a sustained increase in your heart rate. Not only will this help to protect your heart, you’ll also look and feel better. An added bonus!

Don’t smoke! Smoking is a leading cause of heart disease in this
country. There Is no safe level of exposure to cigarette smoke. If
you’re concerned about heart disease prevention, kick the habit
once and for all.

Lose excess weight. Being overweight is a known risk factor for heart
disease and one over which you have control. If you’re over
your ideal body weight, take steps to lose those excess pounds now.

See your doctor regularly to control underlying risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol levels. Find a doctor who will help you create a plan for maintaining good heart health. Stop heart disease before it happens!

Know your family history.
If anyone in your immediate family had a
heart attack before the age of 70, you’ll want to be followed closely by
your doctor since you may be at higher risk. Heart disease prevention
is even more important if there is a strong family history.

Take Omega 3 fatty acids or fish oil capsules on a daily basis.
supplements have been shown to maintain healthy cholesterol levels,
lower blood pressure, and decrease your risk of an abnormal heart
rhythm. If you don’t want to take a supplement, be sure to eat heart
healthy seafood at least twice a week.

Now you know what steps you need to take to protect your heart from disease.
Make it a goal to incorporate these preventative activities into your
daily life. Here’s to your healthy heart!

By Dr.Kristie

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