
For Getting Rid Of Them

Your habits can be either the reason for your success or the cause of your failure. 
Many philosophers and wise men through the ages have spoken about the importance of habit.

An old proverb states "Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of."

If you have habits that are moving you away from what you want in life, rather than toward them, then you must replace these destructive habits with better, more constructive habits.

Changing your habits doesn't have to be expensive or complex, but you will need some willpower and resolve.

Follow these 10 tips to make the transition as smooth as possible.

1. You have the courage to face up to your destructive habits before you can change them. 
The first step to improving your life is to admit that your bad habits are standing in the way of the life you want and deserve.

2. You cannot simply remove an old habit. You have to replace it with something else or otherwise the old habit will slip back in without you realizing it and you'll be back to square one. Research your options beforehand. Now based on your unique needs and preferences, select a new habit to replace the old, destructive one.

3. Wholeheartedly commit yourself to establishing your new habit. If you're not totally committed you may find yourself slipping back into your old ways without even realizing it.

4. Focus on what you'll gain from changing your habit by writing down all the benefits you will get if you drop your bad habit for good. Now read your list at least twice a day or whenever you're  tempted to stray.

5. Change can be scary. Don't let fear of change sabotage your success and tempt you back into your old way of doing things. If you do things that you're comfortable with you will never make any progress.

6. Put the new habits to work for you immediately and take action. Don't wait for the motivation to fizzle out. Stop all excuses. Remember that there is no better time to change your life than right now.

Don't try to change too many habits at once. Tackle your worst habit first and once the new habit has been firmly established, then tackle the next habit that bothers you.

8.  Stick with the new habit religiously for the next 21 days.Studies have proven that it takes only 21 days to replace a destructive habit with a constructive one. Practicing the new habit faithfully for 21 days and it will become automatic.

9. No matter how tempting don't give up. If you fall back into your old ways consider it temporary lapse, rather than a complete failure. Just start again tomorrow.

10. Keep in mind that all it takes to get started is a burst of motivation. You need to follow up this initial motivation with a firm commitment for just 21 days. Then you'll probably have a new habit that will take you closer to your goals.

Here's another quote on habit that illustrates the importance of establishing good habits.
"Sow a thought, and you reap an act;
Sow an act, and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, you reap a character;
Sow a character, and you reap a destiny."
Charles Reader. 

What sort of destiny are you about to reap?


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