
And On With Life

Tear soaked tissues are piled at your feet. You’ve finished off a sticky tub of ice cream with a spoon, and you feel like such a cliché. You dumped him, or he dumped you. Maybe you mutually decided to break up. No matter how or why it ended, getting over a failed relationship is horribly hard. Use these six tips to get over your ex, and get on with life. Watch yourself blossom into a stronger, happier woman. You can do it, and you’ll be more fabulous than ever!

1. Make a No Contact Policy.

Stop calling, texting, and talking. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can be “just friends.” Contact with your ex-lover will open lots of intense, unpleasant emotion. Delete your ex from your cell phone. If he contacts you, tell him to stop, so you can heal and start fresh. If your ex keeps it up, block his cell number, and use a new email account. Stay away from the places you used to hang out together. Don’t listen to “our song” anymore. It will only bring up memories that will stress you out. Since you shared friends, this is a good time to make new ones, and to take a break from some of the old. If you must see your ex, be polite, but no more than that.

2. Make Your List.

Write down the reasons you broke up. Be honest with yourself. Post the list on your mirror, or keep it in a pocket or purse. Stop harboring dreams of getting back together. Sometimes, we romanticize a past relationship, which can stop us from moving forward. If you’re tempted to contact your past honey, or if you just can’t stop thinking about old times together, read the list to remind yourself of the problems in the relationship. Tell yourself that the breakup was O.K. Accept that some pairs of people are just not a good match.

3. Give Yourself Time.

Allow yourself lots and lots of time. You need it to get the old relationship out of your system. It may take months, depending on the length and intensity of the broken relationship. You may pine away for awhile, or feel very lonely. Be patient with yourself. Slowly, the ice jam in your heart will begin to melt. Usually, your heart takes much longer than your head to get past a relationship.

4. Get Busy.

Now is the time to spruce up your life by exploring new horizons. Try new things. Nurture your talents. If you’ve always wanted to paint or play guitar, do it. Volunteer at a hospital or soup kitchen. Take weekend trips to the beach with friends, get back into a favorite hobby, and dance like mad. Be your fabulous self. When you’re busy riding horses, cooking exotic cuisine, exploring new towns, and hanging out with your own buds, you’ll be distracted from your broken heart. You’ll also be adding fresh experiences to your life, which will make you a happier, more dynamic, energized, and independent person.

5. Don’t Jump Right Back In.

After a breakup is when you are vulnerable to a rebound relationship. Rebound hook-ups happen way too soon and too easily. They can be bad for both people involved. Don’t be the girl who jumped into a stupid relationship when she was weak. Honor yourself and your future love by waiting until you are strong and whole. You must go through the entire process of healing from your past relationship. When you’re finally ready for a new love, you will have a refreshed, strong, and confident self to offer.

6. Am I Over it Yet?

A fresh new era of life is coming. It doesn’t seem possible, but better days are on their way. You’ll know you’re past the heartbreak when you haven’t thought about your ex in weeks. Then someone will mention your old lover’s name, and you’ll calmly think to yourself, “Oh, yeah… I haven’t thought of that person in a long while.” That’s when you know you’ve made it. You are stronger, wiser, and accomplished. You’re ready to go after whatever you want in life.

Sydney Tyler

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