
To Manage People

You’re only as successful as the people who helped get you there.
Managing takes a lot of patience. The more successful your relationship with employees, the further your career will go in business. Some managers take a stringent, stern approach, but this type of managerial style is slowly becoming archaic and ineffective. Powerful approaches to being a manager are less about giving orders than it is about reciprocal respect.

Acknowledgment and Humiliation

Old style management techniques fostered respect out of fear and bossy personalities. The new manager gains respect from employees by acknowledging ideas and developing relationships with the staff. When an employee’s idea is implemented, overseeing its progress while acknowledging the employee’s contributions to the company will further the success of the business and give credit where it’s due.

If the idea is not feasible, continue to foster positive feedback, giving the employee motive for creativity. If the idea or process fails, positive reinforcement is a better way to correct mistakes. Humiliation cultivates anger and alienation of employees towards managers.

Friendliness while Managing

Although employees recognize the organizational ladder, friendliness eliminates lines of nervousness and hidden anxiety. Remember details and ask staff how their day is going. Some managers hide behind closed doors in small offices and never interact with their staff. The failed relationships with employees only hurt and reflect poorly on the manager. As employees feel more comfortable with a manager, ideas and cooperation are more prevalent than emotional obstacles. Ideas are created from group lunches and a friendly atmosphere discussing business development.

Open-Door Policy and Approachability

If you want to keep contact with employees and their performance, being approachable eliminates communication barriers. Managers with open-door policies make it easier for employees to notify you of obstacles, goals, and ideas to bring to the company. It opens the lines of communication between the manager and his staff, which is more beneficial for the company. Startup companies especially benefit from open communication since it helps identify growth issues and creative ideas.

Humility and Respect

Part of being a good manager is admitting faults and acknowledging wrongdoing. When employees see their boss is humble, it creates a higher amount of respect. Some managers see the acknowledgment of inaccuracies and mistakes as a sign of weakness. However, people have more respect for a manager who admits when he’s made a mistake rather than hiding it.

Make Requests Clear and Concise

Finally, when asking for projects or performance from an employee, managers should make requests clear without ambiguities. Employees with unclear direction lead to mistakes and misunderstandings. Let your employees know exactly what you expect from their work ethic and performance. This eliminates confusion and frustrations in business organizations.

Although being a manager puts you in a position of power, treating employees with respect increases performance and business growth. Increased performance in a business organization makes the manager successful. Employees can make a manager successful, or they can make a job unbearable. Follow these few rules for a more enjoyable job and continued success.

By Lysis

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