That Can Help Prevent Cancer
It seems everyone is concerned with taking steps to reduce their risk of cancer and for good reason. As many as one in three persons will develop cancer at some point in their lifetime. Could the way you sleep be one way of preventing cancer?
Several studies have correlated the incidence of certain types of cancer with a sleep regulating hormone called melatonin. This powerful hormone is produced by a small gland in the brain called the pineal gland. Several studies conducted on women have shown that higher levels of melatonin correlated with a lower risk of cancer, particularly breast and colon cancers.
Fortunately, the amount of melatonin produced by the pineal gland can be influenced by the way you sleep at night. Melatonin production is maximal when your body is exposed to complete nighttime darkness. For purposes of maximizing melatonin levels and preventing cancer, there are a variety of steps you can take increase the amount of melatonin you produce when you sleep at night: These small steps taken over time may be effective, according to some studies, in preventing cancer:
Go to bed as early as your schedule allows.
Melatonin production is enhanced by darkness and inhibited by the presence of light. You can maximize the amount of melatonin produced by your pineal gland by going to sleep as early as possible after the onset of darkness. Since maximal melatonin production occurs somewhere between the hours of 12:00 A.M. and 2:00 A.M, it’s important that your body be exposed to darkness at this time. Try to go to bed by 10:00 P.M. if at all possible.
Make sure you sleep in a completely dark room.
Even very small amounts of light can alter the pineal gland’s production of melatonin. For this reason, be sure to remove all light sources from your bedroom. Make sure your blinds are closed so the light from street lamps doesn’t alter melatonin production and don’t shine a night light in your bedroom.
Don’t cut on the bathroom light.
If you need to get out of bed to use the bathroom at night, avoid cutting on the light. The simple action of turning on the bathroom light is enough to stop melatonin production by your pineal gland. One solution to this is to avoid drinking liquids, particularly those with caffeine, within several hours of bedtime to avoid those late night trips to the bathroom.
Test your bedroom for EMF’s.
EMF’s are electromagnetic fields that can be created by the presence of certain electrical appliances in your bedroom such as an alarm clock or a heater. You can purchase a gauss meter to measure the EMF’s in your bedroom for under $50.00. EMF’s are through to suppress melatonin production by the pineal gland.
Consider wearing a light blocking mask.
If you’re unable to block all light sources from your sleeping area, consider purchasing a mask to cover your eyes and completely block out ambient light.
It’s always best to take the natural route for maximizing your nighttime melatonin levels. If the above measures aren’t practical for you, you can always consider taking a melatonin supplement for preventing cancer, although the verdict is still out as to whether this is as effective as natural melatonin production. The standard dose is 3 mg which should be taken in a sustained release form to ensure that melatonin levels remain high throughout the night time hours.
It’s reassuring to know that simple changes to the way we sleep at night might be effective in preventing the onset of cancer. Why not give them a try?
by Dr.Kristie