
Be Aware of What You Wear

Would you wear an exercise suit to the office? While office fashion has become more casual over the last few years, an office is still a place where employers would like to see professional dress. This doesn’t mean you have to forgo style and wear only dowdy clothing. It simply means some fashion judgment should be used when you work in a professional setting Here are some office fashions that should probably be kept as far from the office as possible:

Wearing a miniskirt

Miniskirts are cute and flirty, but mostly on people under the age of twenty. While it may be acceptable for an older women to wear a miniskirt in the evening or to a special event, an office is not the place for super short skirts. Even if you look great in a short skirt, you’re sending the wrong message to your boss and to your co-workers. Why not wear a skirt that stops a little above the knee? Chances are you’ll still feel fashionable and will look more professional.

Wearing a printed t-shirt or sweatshirt

A printed t-shirt or sweatshirt is too casual for most office settings. In addition, you run the risk of offending other workers if the message is controversial. It seems unlikely your boss will be impressed by a t-shirt sporting a message such as “I have an attitude problem”. This is not the quickest way to get on the fast track for a promotion. If you must wear a t-shirt, make sure it’s not printed and you’re wearing a professional looking blazer over it.

Showing too much

The office is not the place to wear the new bustier you just bought at Fredericks of Hollywood. Yes, you may get a few stares but they won’t necessarily be complimentary. Save your revealing clothing for a night out on the town.

Wearing a halter or tank top

Halter and tank tops tend to be too casual for an office setting. A tank top may be acceptable if worn beneath a dark blazer. Otherwise leave the tanks and halter tops for your next trip to the beach.


Yes, they’re comfortable but they’re designed more for the country club than they are the office setting. Trade in the sneakers for a comfortable pair of soft flat shoes if you want your feet to feel good at the end of the day.

Excessive jewelry

Multiple pieces of large jewelry tend to be overwhelming in an office setting. Make a particular effort to avoid multiple, large bracelets that jangle when you move your arms. Save these for your evening office party.

Office fashions don’t have to be boring. You can still dress up your office clothing with carefully selected accessories and jewelry and make an impression that’s both professional and memorable.

by Kristie Leong

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