Be Prepared To Blog For The Long Haul
This is it. This is the main question you should be thinking about answering if you want to be a successful blogger.
The internet is full of abandoned blogs at every turn. More often than not they are started by people who read about bloggers who have made a big success from what they do. They get started with their own blog and then realize that it doesn’t all happen overnight. No matter how promising your own blog might come to be, it will take time to build it up to that level.
o if you are about to start your own blog, make sure you understand the commitment to be a successful blogger. The main work obviously happens at the beginning, as you consider the websites you want to blog on or possibly a domain name, hosting and layout. Once that is done you need to focus your energies on providing worthwhile content and experimenting with what works and what doesn’t.
Trial and error is part and parcel of any website, blogs included. You need to work out where your best traffic sources are so you can tap them for all the traffic you can. You also need to see what kind of content your audience is most receptive to. You might get lucky and start bringing in some streams of revenue or bring more traffic to your business almost from the start, but it is far more likely that it will take time.
So you need to commit ask yourself to the work and the just wait for the income to catch up with you. If you keep at it and you are prepared to learn, then the chances are good that it will. But if you give up before you get to that stage, then all your work will have been for nothing.
by Allison Whitehead