This Cold and Flu Season
As much as we'd like to avoid it, cold and flu season is upon us. There are ways, however, to take protective measures so we can minimize the illness and downtime typically caused by colds and flu every year.
Keep the Body in Acid-Alkaline Balance
When the body's pH level becomes too acidic, the immune system is automatically weakened, inviting cold and flu germs and other chronic illnesses. A sure-fire way to tip the balance back into the safe acid-alkaline range is to drink ionized water. The LIFE Ionizer™ will transform your water as well as your health. For more information, visit
Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits also helps to alkalize the body. Meat, dairy products, grains, carbonated beverages and tap water create acidity which can lead to a compromised immune system.
Build Immunity with Supplements
The threat of swine flu makes building immunity particularly vital this cold and flu season. Health food store shelves house a multitude of vitamin and herbal supplements ready and waiting to provide a boost to your immune system. ImmunotiX 3-6 is an excellent pharmaceutical product that protects the body against foreign challenges. Immune Up, Immuny 5, Immuny II are also highly recommended. A little known fact is that Vitamin D is also effective in warding off the cold and flu.
If you are one of those people who catch frequent colds or whatever illness happens to be circulating at the moment, Immuno-Tonic/Immune-Stimulant can help break the cycle of sickliness. For best results, begin taking this product before you get sick and continue to take it for several months to build your immune system. Make taking this product a family affair to prevent passing this season’s illnesses throughout the family.
When the Bug Bites
For specific symptoms, Cold and Sinus Blaster and Respire-ease are excellent choices. Both products provide dramatic, immediate results. For children who are particularly vulnerable. Kid’s Biotic treats colds, flu, pink eye and bacterial, viral and sinus infections. When used at the first clue that illness is approaching, it may keep it at bay. Drinking ionized water will also help to restore health.
Taking steps today to fortify your immune system and build up that all-important defense against cold and flu infections is an effort that will pay big dividends this season. Make sure you’re prepared.