
On Road Safety

According to the Center for Disease Control, more kids will suffer from a pedestrian-related injury or death on the evening of October 31st than any other night of the year. Their risk is four times higher than normal. Parents can keep children safe near roads and while crossing driveways this Halloween by using just a few tips.

Attach reflective tape to your child’s purchased costume and candy bags.

Send glow sticks, glowing red LED earrings, glow-in-the-dark necklaces or bracelets, or flashing jelly rings. Your children will look a bit like they are going to a dance club, but they will be safe from motorists.

Send flashlights. Lightweight ones can be found for $1 or less. This will also make your children more visible to motorists. As an added bonus, your kids will illuminate tripping hazards that homeowners have failed to remove.

Remind children to remain on sidewalks when they are available. If no sidewalks exist in your area, or there is a break in the walkway, children should walk at the edge of the left side of the road, facing traffic.

Review traffic rules with your kids a few times before the holiday, including how to respect emergency vehicles. Pedestrians do not always have the right-of-way.

Children should watch for vehicles that are backing out of driveways. Although your kids might be sticking to the sidewalk and avoiding fast-moving traffic, they might not realize how easy it is to get in someone’s blind spot (or even what that means), or that their heads are not visible in the rear window of several automobiles. Even the most cautious driver of a sport utility vehicle may not see your trick-or-treater at the end of a driveway.

Halloween-related injuries and fatalities can be minimized and even eliminated with just a bit of preparation.
Here’s to a happy, healthy, and safe Halloween!

By Brandy Stoner

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