That Build And Maintain Strong Bones
Osteoporosis is a common disease, with half of all women experiencing some degree of it by the age of forty-five. The incidence will likely increase as more women choose to forgo hormone replacement therapy due to the potential health risks. While taking a calcium supplement is important, it’s not the only nutrient needed for building strong, healthy bones. What’s eaten on a day-to-day basis is also important. Here are five foods for strong bones.
Food for Strong Bones: Vitamin D Rich Foods
Vitamin D, “the sunshine vitamin”, is one of the most important or building better bones. The best source of vitamin D is natural sunlight which converts a compound present on the skin to a form of vitamin D which can be further processed and used by the body to preserve bone health. Food sources of vitamin D are few, but include fatty fish and vitamin D fortified cereals and milk.
Food for Strong Bones: Vitamin K Rich Foods
Several studies have shown that vitamin K increases bone density and reduces the incidence of bone fractures – especially when combined with vitamin D. It also plays a key role in calcium metabolism. Some foods that are high in vitamin K are green vegetables, particularly leafy ones. These foods are also good in the sense that they help keep the blood alkaline which is important for healthy bones.
Foods for Strong Bones: Magnesium Rich Foods
Magnesium is another mineral that’s important for bone health. The exact role it plays in building strong, healthy bones isn’t clear – but it may alter the levels of bone preserving hormones such as parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. Foods that are high in magnesium include nuts, wheat bran, oatmeal, soybeans, spinach, Swiss chard, and beans.
Foods for Strong Bones: Calcium Rich Foods
Who could forget about this important mineral for building healthy, strong bones? The combination of a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is essential for building strong bones. Of course, dairy products are rich in calcium, but they aren’t the only good source. People who don’t eat dairy should add more green, leafy vegetables such as kale and collard greens to their diet. Sardines, tofu, and broccoli are also good sources.
Foods for Strong Bones: Vitamin B12 Rich Foods
Some studies have shown that low vitamin B12 levels are associated with reduced bone densities in both men and women. The best sources of B12 are animal products such as beef, liver, fish, and dairy products. It’s important not to overdo meat consumption since it can cause the blood to become more acidic which leads to leeching of calcium from the bones.
The Bottom Line?
For strong, healthy bones, a varied diet consisting of small amounts of red meat combined with lots of green, leafy vegetables, whole grains, and nuts seems to be ideal for bone health. Fatty fish, for its vitamin D content, and tofu for calcium are other good choices for better bones.
By Dr. Kristie