By Following These Tips
Gas prices have been going through the roof, and they don't appear to be likely to stop rising in the near future - not without an additional supply.
With gasoline eating a bigger chunk out of your budget every month, you're probably asking yourself how you can save money on gasoline without shelling out $25,000 for a brand new hybrid vehicle.
In this article, we'll show you how to cut down on your gasoline consumption and save money. So, keep reading to learn more.
1. Slow down rather than speed up.
This doesn't mean drive ridiculously slow; you'll actually use more gas that way. Rather, take it easy on the highways and try to keep your car at a comfortable 50-65 miles per hour.
When driving in the city, keep your speeds around the 35-45 mph range whenever possible. Most cars are at their peak mileage potential around this range.
Additionally, when going from a stop position to moving forward, go easy on the gas pedal. You can save a surprising amount of gasoline by increasing your speed at a slower pace rather than moving up to the speed limit within a few seconds. (Of course, when merging onto a highway from an entrance ramp is not the time to do this.)
2. Stop downshifting.
If you drive a manual car, don't downshift instead of braking. Downshifting will actually use more gas than braking and it's harder on your clutch and transmission. Remember, it's cheaper to replace your brakes than your clutch or whole transmission system.
3. Lighten your load.
Stop driving your car around with a trunk full of tools, golf clubs and the kid's baseball equipment. You'd be amazed how much better mileage a car gets when it's hauling a lighter load. Instead of turning your car into a portable storage space, try storing those items in the garage. (You could also use this tips as a low-key incentive to lose those 40 pounds you've struggled with.
4. Go for a tune-up.
A car that's clean, well-maintained and running at maximum efficiency is going to be a car that gets the best possible mileage. Keeping your car in top condition means you need to be watching your oil level, changing the filters (air, oil, and fuel) regularly, going for regular oil changes and staying on top of quarterly visits to the mechanic.
5. Keep your tires properly inflated.
While you shouldn't over-inflate your tires, you should make sure they're inflated to the optimum levels. Deflated tires have a stronger grip on the road, making the car work harder and using up more gas on every mile. Plus it wears out your tires more quickly.
6. Turn off the air conditioning.
Air conditioning is a real gas guzzler, so turn it off unless it's absolutely necessary. Wear comfortable clothing appropriate for the season, and utilize your vehicle's vent system until the weather is unbearably hot.
In peak heat when traveling on highways, it is actually more gas-saving efficient to then use your air conditioner than to drive with the windows down since the wind blowing into your vehicle causes drag that forces your car to work harder.
7. Buy groceries where you buy gas.
Some major grocery retailers also have gas pumps on the premise. You'll find these places offer discounts of 5-10 cents on the gallon if you also buy groceries during your visit.
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