Tips On Keeping The Burglars Out
The Holidays are approaching fast and so is the peak time of year for crimes such as home burglaries.
The thought of having your home broken into is a very scary one - even if you are one of the lucky ones and it has never happened to you - but with just a little thought and you really can make your home a much more safe and secure place and give yourself some peace of mind. It has been reported that somewhere in the UK a home is broken into every 30 seconds.
However, the statistics on house-breaking very clearly show that criminals always target those houses with the least protection. Also the majority of house break-ins are not in anyway planned but driven by opportunity - an open window, an empty house - in short, a house that looks easy prey. It is generally agreed that the top deterrent is an Intruder alarm.
As already stated it is a fact that the vast majority of burglaries are by opportunists so when a burglar is checking out your property, seeing an external bell will make them think twice about targeting your home.If the external bell box has a flashing "comfort light operating 24 hours a days it will be an even better deterrent.
1)One of the first places to protect is any side entrances, sheds and fences.
Also any area where an intruder can work away hidden away from sight. Install strong, heavy duty padlocks on any garage doors and outside sheds doors too. Don't forget, the tools you have in your shed, such as hammers, ladders and indeed screwdrivers, can all be used as tools to break into your home.
2)WINDOWS ON YOUR PROPERTY: All windows that are on the ground floor and even those on elevations which are beside flat roofs are prime targets. The first rule of security is to always keep these firmly locked when you are going out. These windows can easily be fitted with key operated locks to prevent easy access.
An intruder will not really want to have to break any glass and draw attention to the noise. Key operated locks can be fitted to all types of windows and can be fitted onto frame types such as wood, metal, or plastic. Remember to keep the key in a safe place as you may need it yourself in the event of an emergency.
3)FRONT AND BACK DOORS: Any burglar will of course first try to gain access to your house by the door, as this is the far easiest way in. So, in addition to the normal and standard locks and handles, exterior doors can be given added protection by a number of discreet but effective locking systems such as a 5 Lever Mortise Deadlock for the front door and a 5 Lever Mortise Sash lock for the back door.
4)FRENCH DOORS AND PATIO DOORS: Rack bolts for French windows at the top and bottom of each door can provide great added protection against break in, but don't forget that if you have Patio Doors, these also can be broken into (or simply lifted off their runners if the main lock is forced). There are now purpose designed Patio Doors locks are on the market which will prevent this.
5)USING SIMPLE EXTERIOR LIGHTING: Deterrence really is the first role of home security and good lighting to the front, aspect, rear and sides of your house, especially if it is one with a side alleyway is a really simple, cost effective and highly efficient security measure. Choose your lighting to match your situation.
Some security lights are designed to stay on, from sun-up till sun-down, whereas others are activated by electronic sensors that detect even the slightest movement or even body heat. With very thoughtful placing, your home will be visible from any angle, and provide a very effective first line of defense against break-ins.
Article Source: net2desk - Professional services. Extensive product range and very competitive prices.