At The Holiday Buffet
Did you ever notice that the only time anyone seems to take your picture, is when you have some delectable but fattening treat stuffed in your maw? Maybe your goal this holiday season can be to avoid pictures. It's not going to work. You know it and I know it and my mother has drawers full of pictures to prove it. Be realistic, eat sensibly so you don't have to avoid the cameras. How can you do it?
We have to eat, there's no way around it, but we can go around the buffet table in a more sensible way. Try these three tips on for size:
1. Eat smaller meals. Try six small meals instead of three large ones. This will keep you satiated so you aren't as tempted to binge.
2. Eat roughage. Roughage is what most of us call lettuce or greens. Not iceberg lettuce, which has no nutritional value and just adds empty calories to your waist line. Instead, try one of the more delectable favorites such as romaine, leafy green, arugala, spinach, or kale. Roughage helps curb your sweet tooth before it annihilates that German chocolate triple layer cake, so try eating that salad last, not first. Inhalation is best reserved for oxygen, not dessert.
3. Eat your favorites first. Instead of piling up your plate on your first trip, try selecting only two or three of your favorite things. Just because Great Aunt May brought her infamous Cabbage & Pork Stew doesn't mean you have to feel obligated to eat it. You might be surprised to find yourself leaving the buffet table behind, quite satisfied with what you've had. If you're still hungry, you can go always go back for more.
Now, those of us who have been in the workforce for more then a year are quite familiar with that inundation of holiday cheer that awaits us every morning in the office, usually in the form of chocolate, muffins, cakes, and candy. As delicious as that sounds no one needs to tell you that those treats sit there quietly snickering as they watch your waist line go where no man has gone before. So what can you do to drown out those little demons that whisper in your ear and laugh at your waistline?
1. Get visible snacks. Hiding those treats doesn't seem to do the trick, at least not for me, so something more is required. If you have a supply of healthy snacks such as nuts, fruit, or vegetables within easy reach you are much more likely to grab them than to run to the break room for sugary treats.
2. Make snack bags. I know, you're not ten, but when was the last time you opened two bags of potato chips for snack? One snack bag feels just like that, a snack, but two seems to make most of us feel like we're pigging out. So run with that. Pack a few small sandwich bags with healthy treats and keep them close by.
3. Combine snacks. If you must snack at least make sure you are getting your food groups. Combining food groups can make some delicious snacks. Try:
- Apples and peanut butter
- Yogurt and granola
- Graham crackers and peanut butter
- String cheese and a fruit cup
- Celery with low-fat yogurt dip
- Crackers and hummus (a personal favorite!)
As winter settles in and holidays come, set a goal that you can reach. Don't set a goal to eat less but aim to eat more sensibly during your holiday season. You might find yourself eating less after all so don't forget to smile for the camera!
by Jennifer D. Stone