
Is It Healthy?

People fast for various reasons including spiritual discipline, inner cleansing or as a weight loss method, but is fasting healthy? The truth is that fasting does have its benefits but it can be dangerous. First and foremost, fasting should never be used as a way to lose weight. The weight that people lose through fasting is mostly water weight rather than excess fatty tissue. The weight loss is not long-term and is usually gained back rather quickly. One of the dangers of losing weight in this manner is the possibility of dehydration and the loss of essential electrolytes. Anyone who is fasting should drink large quantities of water and fruit juice to avoid dehydration.

A healthy fast done for twenty-four hours for the purpose of inner cleansing to remove toxins from the body can be beneficial. Still there are some people who should not fast. Fasting is not recommended if any of the following reasons apply:
♣ If you are pregnant
♣ If you are elderly
♣ If you are a diabetic
♣ If you have heart disease
♣ If you are on medication
♣ If you suffer from kidney problems

Fasting has a long history and has been practiced for centuries but that doesn't mean that it is safe for you. If you are thinking of fasting you should get a physical first to make sure you are in good health; you should never begin a fast without your physician's approval. Fasting for too long or if you have a health condition can prove harmful which is why you should always consult with your doctor first.

Don't use fasting as a weight loss method. Fasting can be dangerous and weight loss should be a gradual process. If you need to lose weight consult with your physician. He or she can help you to develop a healthy weight loss plan. A combination of exercise and healthy diet is the best way to lose weight so that it will stay off. Weight loss requires a change in lifestyle. Developing a healthier lifestyle takes time. There is no instant cure to drop extra pounds and any method practiced to lose weight quickly is not healthy.

Lose weight by cutting back on calories and do it the healthy way.
Fasting should be done to remove toxins and cleanse your body. If you choose to fast do it to benefit your health and body, not to harm it. Consult with your physician before you fast and practice fasting safely.

Written by Darlene Zagata

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