A pleasant work environment promotes employee well-being, which in turn boosts productivity. When you are thinking about how to improve employee well-being, you might consider the physical layout of the office, the opportunities for social interaction, and the collaboration technologies available, just to name a few things. Here are six creative ways you can improve employee well-being in your office.
1. Support Diversity in Work Styles
Employee well-being suffers when workers feel they are being treated like automatons. Allow employees to individualize their own workspaces and offer ideas for modifications to office policies. Avoid demanding that one mode of communication be used over another: some employees communicate more effectively face-to-face, while others prefer phone, email or chat programs. As long as an employee's productivity is good, there's no reason to force him or her to follow a workflow that isn't effective. Be open to discussions about working virtually, using alternative technologies, and creating flexible schedules.
2. Create Restorative Opportunities
You can improve employee well-being by offering restorative spaces that give workers a time-out. For example, you could designate a "quiet room" to be used simply for relaxing, sitting quietly, and resting. A separate space could be designated for chatting and conversing. The rooms might be painted in soothing or invigorating colors, and decorated with natural materials, comfortable seating, and attractive images. When employees have nowhere to go to relax, they often flee the building for coffee or alcohol breaks, which offer only short-term relief and can be detrimental to productivity. On the other hand, if you provide employees with restorative physical spaces within the building, they may take more frequent but shorter breaks, which is a strategy that's been shown to increase productivity. They will also return to work feeling refreshed and renewed on a deeper level. Creating restorative opportunities is a wonderful way to improve employee well-being both in the long and short term.
3. Reduce Noise
In a large office--or even a small one--it can be difficult to block out the noise of people talking on the phone, chatting, closing doors and so on. Employee well-being is improved when workers can focus in a quiet and calm environment. You can reduce the ambient noise level by placing fabric carpets and padded furniture around the office. You can also install soundproof windows and doors in meeting rooms so that employees not included in a meeting are not disturbed by the rumble of voices. You can also give employees noise-cancellation headphones that allow them to shut out any noise when they want to heighten their focus.
4. Improve Privacy
You can enclose workspaces with attractive screens or dividers. Musty cubicles sometimes make employees feel shut away and isolated, so consider allowing employees to choose their own dividers--there's no rule that says your office has to look like a mouse maze. You can also use tall houseplants or potted trees to divide workspaces. Not only is this more attractive than an ugly gray wall, but employees report that they feel more relaxed and happy at work when there is a natural element in their view.
5. Encourage Collaboration
Employee well-being is improved when workers are encouraged to collaborate and interact with others on projects. Create a space where employees can share ideas on an ongoing basis, exhibit posters and displays, and ask for input and critiques from their peers. This space should be separate from the formal conference rooms, and employees should not feel they are being judged or graded on their work.
6. Invite Personal Expression
Employees who feel accepted on a personal level in the workplace are more confident and relaxed at work. They are not eager to rush home at the end of the day, and they are more likely to view their colleagues as members of a family. Employee well-being in the area of personal expression increases loyalty to the organization and improves commitment to assigned tasks. Try and invite personal expression by celebrating birthdays, cultural holidays, and personal achievements outside the workplace (such as community awards and educational accomplishments).
By investing in employee well-being, you will improve productivity and increase retention. If you're not sure how to gauge the employee well-being in your office, send out a survey or ask for anonymous input in some other way. You can also hold informal meetings to share ideas and concerns. Maintaining and improving employee well-being should be an ongoing concern for any business organization, whether large or small.
by Antonia Anderson