Spring is here and Summer will soon be on it's on its way - which means more time spent in the sun. Getting sunlight in important for maintaining adequate vitamin D levels – a vitamin which most people are deficient in. On the hand, too much exposure to the sun can cause painful sunburns and skin damage that can lead to skin cancer and premature aging. The chance of getting a painful, blistering sunburn is even higher in cases where sun sensitivity is a problem.
Some people are more prone to sun photosensitivity than others and can develop an allergic-like reaction when they spend too much time outdoors. This can even happen in “non-allergic” people when certain conditions exist that increase sun photosensitivity. Here are four factors that can increase sun sensitivity in some people.
There are a number of medications that increase sun sensitivity and cause an exaggerated response to ultraviolet light. Some of the more common ones are oral contraceptives, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, antibiotics, diuretics, anti-fungal medications, antihistamines, and drugs used to treat seizures. The topical acne medication Retin-A or any other form of retinoic acid can do the same thing. Anyone taking medications should check with their doctor before going out in the sun.
Some Essential Oils and Fragrances Applied to the Skin
Certain types of plants, fruits, and vegetables contain furocoumarins – chemicals that absorb U.V. light like a sponge and increase sun sensitivity. When they’re added to a fragrance product and sun exposure occurs, it can cause a damaging burn, rash, and skin pigment changes. Some examples of plants that contain furocoumarins are lime, parsley, lemon, and figs – among others. Some essential oils also contain ingredients that increase sun sensitivity. Avoid wearing fragranced cosmetic products, perfumes, or essential oils in direct sunlight.
Herbal Supplements Taken By Mouth
Some herbal supplements increase sun photosensitivity. The best known one is St. John’s wort. Cows grazing on this herb have been known to develop fatal photosensitivity reactions. Even some foods such as celery, parsnips, artichoke, and dandelion can cause a sun photosensitivity reaction in some people – either through skin contact or after eating it and going out in the sun.
Certain Medical Conditions
Certain diseases and medical conditions also increase skin photosensitivity to sunlight. Systemic lupus erythematosis or SLE is an example of a disease that can cause a serious photosensitivity reaction. Another one is a metabolic condition called porphyria.
Sun Photosensitivity: The Bottom Line
Before going out in the sun, it’s important to consider these four factors that can increase sun sensitivity. It could prevent a painful, or even fatal, reaction to sunlight.
by Dr. Kristie