
For Employees, Little Things at Holiday Time Mean A Lot

When it comes to the holidays this year, employers may feel particularly squeezed. They may not have the budget they wish they had to throw elaborate parties or provide lush end-of-the-year bonuses. The mistake many employers make is that because they cannot do something "big," they do nothing. They fear that the paucity of their efforts will be criticized. So, let's think about this, if something small will be criticized, we think nothing at all will go unnoticed?! That is crazy, of course, but I fear it is a mistake many managers make.

When it comes to good employees, it really isn't the quantity of the gift; it is the sincerity of the thought behind it. Employees are not stupid and most of them are not all that selfish. Sure, if they know that the company is doing great and they get very little in the form of a Christmas bonus, they will angry, but if they know that the company is struggling, they are generally pretty understanding.

Little things really do mean a lot, particularly if you couple it with a sincere statement that you wish you could do more for your well-deserving employees, but you are trying to do what you can. Here are thoughtful, inexpensive things you might considering doing:

-Allowing employees to leave early to prepare for holiday events such as parades and parties
-Paying a couple high schoolers to wrap gifts for harried employees
-Providing inexpensive snacks and treats
-Putting together some fun cheap Christmas activities such as games, trivia contests, and pot-luck luncheons
-Renting a Santa costume and making arrangements for "Santa" to visit employees' children
-Coordinating Christmas caroling of employees and their families to the homes of fellow employees or clients

All these little things can go a long way to show you care -- even if you are having to watch your budget.

by J. Lenora Bresler- Woman To Woman

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