
Summer is full on now -- and so much is happening.


I find myself moving through yet another transition period, deeply challenged in finding my own self worth, my own value,   Interesting as we witness the gushing forth of an artery from Mother Earth in the Gulf of Mexico, spewing forth thousands of gallons of oil from deep in her belly.   This translates for me -- deep is the calling of purification of our being. 


Being a practicing aromatherapist for 15 years, I often turn to the oils -- or rather the oils speak to me -- and at this time, the feeling of the essence of Sage arises -- I know this purification essence -- I feel it move from within me -- it supports me in my transition.   I feel waves of deep sadness, past memories -- that made no sense, but were there, washing over me.  I allowed these waves, flowing with the vibration.  The gushing oil in the Gulf, is indeed, an outpicturing of the negative thinking we experience in the world - the blame, the fear, anxiety, resentment, upset, dishonor.  These kinds of thoughts are much like the oil -- thick, toxic ubiquitous, clouding our vision,like the oil clouds the water -- making it difficult, if not impossible to see, and suffocates life.  Look around -- see the upset, the depression and the anxiety that lies underneath, or sometimes on the surface of the human condition.  How can I be responsible for my own thoughts, for my own world -- to be responsible for every thought, spoken word and action -- on an ongoing basis -- especially when things get challenging?


The sages say:   Om purnamadah, purnamidam

                          Purnat purnamudacyate

                          Purnasya prunamadaya


Translated:  Om.  That is perfect. This is perfect. From the perfect springs the perfect.  If the perfect is taken from the perfect, the perfect remain.


The sweet sage ol has been comng to my awareness these past few days... The Romans know sage as herba sacra or the sacred herb.  We know today -- sage is most often used n the Native American nations for spiritual ceremony -- an offering.  The sacred sage cleanses and purifies the spirit -- for sage hold the wisdom of the spheres within its fragrance, while summoning the powers that heal and protect.  SAge is a protective spirit for those hwo are not afraid of the spiritual forces.  The might of the heavens summoned by the sage is wisdom and power, standing fast in times of adversity.  Sage's purpose is all these things fo the human.  Also, it helps us to integrate a spirit that has the majesty of the heavens behind it, to call for the God and the celestrial warriors to defend, protect, and heal the human spirit and Mother Earth.


Myrrh -- the deep resinous essence of myrrh - that ancient deep healing oil that our blessed ancients knew so well.  Ths deep fragrance resonates with the wounded  -- healing the wounds running deep, carryng the pain of others.   Isn't that what we are feeling from Mother Earth at this time?  (One of my male friends said: "We are at war right now, in the Gulf of Mexico -- it is really like that!"   I was surprised at that comment, yet, it truly reflects at a deeper level what we are all feeing both within and without).  So it is facinating that Myrrh has stepped forth on the heals of the sacred Sage -- for in the cleansing and pruification -- deep wounds do get healed.  Myrrh, with all its submerged meanings, links with the pathway of the sould, standing at the very crossroads.  It would be so easy to walk down any road, hanging on to our wounds, but myrrh helps us to realize the need to let go, to forgive, and to move forward.


The Hoponopono prayer is deeply helpful at this time, for ourselves, for others, and for the Gulf -- may I leave you with that:  

     I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you


Note the website:   www.handsacrossthesand.com   -- where people are gathering and praying for our waters.   God Bless!!

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