
Spring Is Approaching...Have You Reached Your Fitness Goals?

Is it going to be another year where you don’t reach your fitness goals?
If you’re like most people, you work out hard at the first of the year, but by the time Spring rolls around you have a thousand and one reasons why you can’t go to the gym or climb onto an exercise bike. Will this year be different? Here are some ways to make sure you reach your fitness goals in 2010.

Reach your fitness goals: Make them realistic

One of the most common reasons people fail to reach their exercise goals is they try to do too much too quickly. For example, when you start running, it’s not realistic to run five miles the first day. A more reasonable plan would be to start out walking and gradually add short intervals of running as you develop more stamina. If you start out running, you may end up getting injured or become so sore you won’t want to exercise again. When you’re first starting out, schedule a few sessions with a personal trainer to help you set reasonable goals or look through fitness magazines for a workout plan designed for beginners. Get the help you need to get started the right way.

Hold yourself accountable

You’re more likely to stick to your exercise goals if you hold yourself accountable to someone or something. Exercising with a partner who’s motivated is one way to get accountability. On those mornings when you don’t want to get out of bed, knowing you’re meeting your partner can be the motivation you need to make it to the gym. If you don’t have an exercise partner, keep a regular workout journal where you chart your exercise goals and document your progress on a daily basis. Write in it every day – no exceptions.

Reward yourself when you reach small goals

Give yourself a small reward every time you go the gym or when you reach a fitness goal. Place a piggybank by the door and each time you come home from the gym, put four quarters in the bank. At the end of the month treat yourself to something special with the money you’ve accumulated such as a new, smaller pair of jeans or lunch at a restaurant that serves healthy food. You can also reward yourself with other luxuries such as a soothing massage or a bubble bath.

Schedule your workouts

Start by determining the best time to work out. For most people, mornings are best since there’s less opportunity for factors to intervene that can keep you from working out. Once you’ve determined the best time, pen it into your appointment book. Exercise should be as much a part of your day as brushing your teeth.

Reaching your exercise goals: The bottom line?

If you do these four things, there’s a good chance you’ll reach your fitness goals this year. Make 2010 the year you finally do it.

Dr. Kristie

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