
Your New Year January 2010 Horoscope by Tere Greenwald

January 2010 Horoscope

The month of January begins with two key plants Mars, the action planet, and Mercury, the communication planet, in backward motion. We call this retrograde, any planet in retrograde has less energy during that time. We may feel the natural slow down this is causing all signs of the zodiac. Mercury retrograde is a good time to revisit your goals and allow yourself the ability to change your focus. We are moving from the old vision to the new one, which shows itself more fully after January 15th. It is also a good time to reconnect with old friends. Saturn turns retrograde on January 13th which may cause difficulty with what we are building for the future. This may feel like a lack of stability and we may question our leaders and authority figures.

January 15th is a big day with Mercury going direct and a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. This is a big planetary shift and one might want to avoid making big plans for this day. It is best to let the dust settle and allow the Eclipse to deliver its information to you.

Aquarius takes charge on January 19th with both the Sun and Venus now in this sign. Venus and the Sun are traveling close together which gives everyone a good boost of self love. The month ends with a full moon in Leo. We may feel that men are from Mars and Women are from Venus with this Full Moon because Mars and Venus are in opposition to each other. Flattery will get you everywhere with a Full Moon in Leo!

Aries…You may see new doors open with a career related issue at the New Moon on January 15th. Your vision will continue to get clearer as Mercury goes direct at this time as well. You will still be plotting your moves as it may not be time to take action just yet. The Full Moon in Leo puts your focus on romance on January 29th. It is a good time to accept your differences and be adoring!

Taurus…It is a good time to learn something new and expand your horizons. You will want to increase your confidence, take advantage of the positive energy coming from Venus and the Sun moving into your career house on January 19th. The full moon brings a family or home related issue to the forefront. Remember that Men and Women will not be seeing eye to eye on issues at this time. It is best to appreciate your differences and strike a compromise.

Gemini…Your ability to obtain money from an outside source is favorable at the January 15th New Moon. Mercury goes direct on the same day but usually takes a few days to get up to its normal speed. Make sure your vision is clear and that you have tended to the details before moving forward. Your sense of optimism increases on the 19th with both Venus and the Sun moving into your 9th house. The January 29th Full Moon allows you to express yourself more fully to others, be extra sensitive with members of the opposite sex at this time. It is a time to embrace our differences, after all Gemini’s love diversity!

Cancer…The January 15th New Moon takes place in your partnership house. It is a good time to get clear on what you want in a partner and allow others to support you. The money flow should get a boost around the 19th from Venus and the Sun moving into Aquarius. The Full Moon takes place in your 2nd house of money. Remember Venus and Mars are in opposition so you may not be able to agree on how to spend the money or what to buy. It is all about compromise at this time.

Leo…You may want to start some new routines at this January 15th New Moon. Be careful not to over due it with Mars still retrograde. Balance in your life will be important, so get plenty of rest and eat well to help keep your energy up. It is good to let others support you, especially females with Venus and the Sun moving into Aquarius on the 19th. The Full Moon on on January 29th is in your sign. It is a good time to be adored!

Virgo…Romance gets a boost with the January 15th New Moon in Capricorn. You will shine in your day to day routines with Venus and the Sun moving into Aquarius on January 19th. The Leo Full Moon takes place in your 12th house on January 29th. Lets call this more of an a ha time of introspection.

New doors may open on a home related issue at the New Moon on January 15th. You may not see the big picture but give it time as Mercury goes direct it will all start to show itself and continue to get clearer. Romance gets a boost from Venus and the Sun on the 19th. The Full Moon in Leo on the 29th takes place in your friendship house. Remember to be adoring with this Leo Full Moon, your friends will love the attention!

Scorpio…It is a good time to focus on Marketing yourself at the January 15th New Moon. Communication gets clearer with Mercury going direct and your ability to express yourself improves. A home or family issue is softened with Venus and the Sun moving into Aquarius on the 19th. The Full Moon on January 29th takes place in your career house. Remember Mars is still retrograde in the same house so your energy may be low there. It is important now to keep your energy up, don’t over due it!

Sagittarius…The January 15th New Moon takes place in you 2nd house of money. You may see new ways to increase your cash flow at this time. Venus and the Sun moving into your 3rd house helps to soften all communications you have with others. Communications with females and loved ones is especially good on the 19th. This full Moon in Leo helps to expand your horizons. You may want to learn something new but it will not be time to take action on this until Mars goes direct on March 11th. You may want to take a trip somewhere fun!

Capricorn…The New Moon on January 15th is in your sign. Perhaps you are wanting to redefine yourself at this time. Give Mercury a few more days to pick up speed and the vision will get clearer. The focus is on Money with Venus and the Sun moving into your 2nd house on the 19th. The Full Moon in Leo helps to support this on the 29th. You may not be ready to take action until March 11th when Mars goes direct.

Aquarius…The New Moon on January 15th takes place in your internal world. Lots of new ideas bubble just below the surface but you may not want to share them yet. Venus and the Sun move into your sign on January 19th giving you a boost of self love. The Leo Full Moon takes place in your partnership house on January 29th. You may not want to move forward on this just yet with Mars retrograde you will take action more slowly.

Pisces…The January 15th New Moon takes place in your friendship circle. It will be all about who you know at this time. You will be introspective with Venus and the Sun moving into your 12th house on the 19th. The Full Moon in Leo puts a focus on your day to day routines or possibly a health issue. Remember to take extra good care of yourself with Mars retrograde in this house you will want to keep your energy up. Balance in your life will be important at this time.

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