
In our ever-changing world, with it's hyper-speed forms of communication, our almost total dependence on the Internet, and the computer-driven networking of the world, is it any wonder we feel isolated, if not insulated, from one another and -- more to the point --from our Self? We are all put in a constant state of dependence on whatever the global network wants us to believe.

What we are to believe now has been titrated into us from one contradictory event to the next -- a seemingly endless and at times vicious cycle of codependency that begs us to eventually ask these types of questions:

• What's the point?

• Is this all there is?

• Is this as good as it gets?

My remembering, my own vivid knowing, shares with me a resounding "NO!"

Consider the following reality if you will: We are not human beings here to experience a divine awakening. Rather, we are Divine Eternal Beings here to have a human experience, playing a role on the 3D holodeck.

Considering the above in depth, we find ourselves set free from the temporal systems that the global networks are currently misrepresenting as reality. How does this possible reality (that we are divine beings here to play out the role of a human character on a holodeck that we co-orchestrated with our Eternal Divine) make you feel?

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