
Jack Alexander
  • Sarasota, FL
  • United States
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Art News

Mural at Northwest Presbyterian Church

Below are a few more pics of the mural at the Northwest Presbyterian Church in St. Pete's. Please feel free to stop by and see the finished mural at any time. The address is: 6330 54th Avenue N, St. Petersburg, FL.

Bradenton Gecko Fest 2010

One of my gecko designs, "Stars and Stripes Gecko Jack," was chosen for auction by the Bradenton Gecko Fest 2010. Then, while hanging on display on the exterior wall of the Merrill Lynch Building at the Northwest corner of 10th Street and Manatee Avenue in downtown Bradenton, the 6-foot painted gecko sold for $1,000 USD

WQ|Mag First Place Winner

Meanwhile, towards the end of 2009, my painting, "Leper Beauty," won First Place in the WQ|mag Fall Art Contest. This is a piece I created in 1999 while involved in a volunteer hands-on healing program at the Leper Community in Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia, Although the left-hand side of the 23-year old subject had been ravaged by leprosy since birth, her right-hand side remained unaffected. The painting captures the remarkable subtlety of beauty on her unmarred, right side.

Within 3 months following the completion of the painting and a series of hands-on healing sessions, the girl experienced a total reversal of her condition. The flesh she had lost from leprosy left scars -- much the way a person who has suffered acute acne has scars -- and part of her left ear remained missing. But she no longer suffered the stench nor the festering boils that accompany the disease. Research indicates that Caucasians possess a certain body chemical that may affect and alter specific forms of leprosy. Chances are this chemical in my body somehow contributed to the girl's miraculous healing.

Dr. Zae Zatoon, Ph.D., a transpersonal therapist and doctor in Natural Healing, offers another opinion. "Putting attention on that degree of attractiveness," Zatoon suggests, "The painting may have allowed the girl to glimpse her own beauty for, perhaps, the first time in her life. On the psychological level that links body, mind and heart, this viewpoint of a fresh self-perception may well have aided the girl's ability to muster the courage and confidence to live and to heal."

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About Me
I am a fine artist, muralist, shamanic healer, Reiki practitioner, direct intuitive and spiritual guide now living in Sarasota. From the time I was 3 years old, I have expressed an uncanny artistic ability to "move" paint. A graduate in fine arts and design from Pepperdine University, I have enjoyed national and international acclaim for my extraordinary use of color, light, and movement.

From Florida, I travel nationally and internationally, painting commissioned murals, canvases and faux surface treatments for individuals, businesses and organizations. From 1996 - 2003, I worked as an artist, muralist and journeyman faux-finisher in Bali, Indonesia for such clients as Cafe Lotus, Rioshi Japanese Restaurant and the Radisson Bali Hotel. My artistic finishes also grace the walls, trim, ceilings and fountains at the renown Paris Hotel-Casino, the Mirage Hotel-Casino and the Venetian Palazzo Hotel-Casino Resort, all in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Best described, my artworks are a cutting-edge combination of realism, surrealism and visionary art images. My life's mission focuses on the design and eventual implementation of a vertical farming mega-structure and a first-of-its kind, self-sustainable, eco-architectural “archeology” that has the potential to provide a limitless source of food, energy, and livelihood for millions of on-site residents.

My fine art canvases and faux-finish surface treatments adorn the homes of such recognizable celebrities as actor Dustin Hoffman and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, South Africa and numerous other diplomats and dignitaries worldwide. Clients, decorators, contractors and collectors call me a "master" at my craft and credit my images, murals, faux-finishes and architectural concepts as having healing properties.

As an artist-born, I am frequently reminded of how life is not all that it appears to be. It’s much more than appearance. In this sense, artists are really just tools, toys that Divine uses to express and impart Its needed information to the three-dimensional realm we occupy as reality. Artists are thus messengers for Divine on infinite aspects of Itself.

If there is anything I can do to forward your interest in the creating, purchasing or understanding of fine art and design, please do not hesitate to call on me. My email address, web sites and cell phone number are listed below for your convenience.

Email: yohiel8@yahoo.com
Cell phone: 415-244-9445
Interests and Hobbies
As a shamanic healer and direct intuitive, I came into the world seeing auras, and I was also born with a vivid recollection of my former "Home World." In a near death experience (NDE) that took place in 1976, when I inadvertently drove my motorcycle off a cliff in northern California, I was pronounced dead for close to three hours. During that time, I revisited my Home World and lived there for 155 vital, healthful and productive years.

My mission is to unite individuals in an intimate and personal way with their divine truth -- that truth being that we are all divine eternal beings having a human experience, not the other way around. For an Intuitive Reading, visit me at Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail South at Bahia Vista (tel. 941-361-3006).

Much of what I share may at times seem radical from the standpoint of normal belief systems and teachings on a pragmatic, spiritual and etheric basis. It appears radical because of the starting point, from which I guide people through their personal journeys to awaken to the Higher Self: "Heaven on Earth" can only be accomplished if we already know the heavenly experience. Thus, my guidance brings people to the understanding that each of us indeed does know; we have all come from the same source, which is divine (i.e., heaven).

My healing modalities include:
• Reiki
• Spiritual Awakenings
• Altered State Experiences
• A Course in Miracles
• Color and Movement Techniques
• Art Classes & Art therapy
• Aura Energy Consultations
• Aura Energy Drawings and Portraits
• Q & A: 2012 and Beyond
• Spiritual Counseling for Individuals and Groups
• Medicine Card Life Purpose Readings (i.e., What You're Here to Do)
• Murals, Fine art canvases, Faux-Finishing and Trompe L'oeil
• Unique Interpretations of Ancient Traditions using crystals,
    Tarot cards, found objects and the like
Fine artist, Muralist, Faux-finisher, Shaman, Direct Intuitive, Psychic Healer, Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Practitioner, Ordained Minister, and Metaphysical Teacher & Lecturer
BA in Fine Arts & Design, Pepperdine University (1970); AA in Painting, Sculpture and Eco-habitation Model-Making, California College of the Arts / formerly Oakland College of Fine Arts & Crafts (1973); also 2-year Residency, Water's End Reservation, northern Nevada where I was Chief White Feather's last Caucasian shamanic initiate into the Lakota tradition (1990 - 1992)
Favorite Websites?
Google KYMATICA and watch the free film. It's a two-hour commitment but well worth the investment.

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At 7:38pm on July 25, 2011, Denise Hoff said…

Isee you spent time in Bali == I visited Bali and the Lotus Cafe twice during the span of years you were in Bali. Small world .... now in Sarasota?

At 7:25am on July 14, 2011, Elyn Jacobs said…
Thank you Jack!  So nice of you to think of me.  hope you have a fantastic day!!!
At 1:23pm on July 5, 2011, Dorothy Thompson said…
Awww that was so nice of you, Jack!  Thank you!
At 10:43pm on June 1, 2011, Jami Lin said…
Thank you, thank you sweet Jack! Call me, I can refere you to a gig that I think you'll enjoy to readings...I'm doing them, it's on June 17.....
At 9:18am on May 25, 2011, Marlene Gavens said…
Thank you for the birthday wishes!
At 7:55pm on May 9, 2011, Jan Chulock said…
Thank you for the birthday wishes and the cool you tube video. 
At 12:32pm on April 28, 2011, Backyard Getaway (Lisa) said…
Thank you for the birthday wishes!
At 10:45am on April 26, 2011, Nora Guenther said…
Beautiful work btw....LOVE the church mural. so inspirational. how long does it take for a small 8x10 of commissioned work. i just envisioned a print of a friends daughter who passed away last month....and wondered. 189556_1845809995154_1537772778_31989356_1918880_n.jpg
At 10:41am on April 26, 2011, Nora Guenther said…
Thank you for the birthday wishes (last year, oops, late :}
At 7:28pm on April 18, 2011, Lori Ann Blau said…

Thank you so much !!!!






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