
Health and Wellness

What does health really mean? What does wellness really mean? What is the motivation to have health?

We don’t think about health until we don’t have it. Is health the absence of a sickness or a disease name? Or do you even fall in to the parameters to have a health care professional label you with a disease name?

You have health when your organ systems are healthy. They can only be healthy when the tissues that make them up are healthy. The cellular molecular structures that make up the organs ultimately make up you! It’s a renewing process.

To have vibrant health and wellness is to supply the ingredients that the body uses to create those cells and molecules. A deficiency in cell structure someplace in the body creates a deficiency of function.

Health is the optimization of those structures. Create cells to create the tissues and support the organs optimally and support the body functions optimally.

Health Cells = Healthy Bodies

The body is designed to heal itself

Every cell in your body requires nutrition

Cells, tissue and organs require nutrition

Your body is an organic machine. Maintain it properly. Give it the best fuel through your daily diet.

Dietary Supplementation

Think about how the body works. It has everything it requires; however, the body needs the cells to perform their certain function. Each cell in order to perform their function they were designed to perform must have the right fuel.

The right fuel is:

Certain vitamins and minerals to feed the cells

Plant sterols to balance the hormonal function

Glyconutrients to have the cells communicate with each other

Antioxidants to protect the cells from the ravages of free radicals

Fatty Acids support brain and heart health. Cannot be made by the body and must be obtained through the diet

Experts say our diet probably doesn’t provide what it needs to stay healthy or to fix itself.

It is imperative that we make wise choices at this time.

There are dietary supplements on the market that are beneficial. Each and every company that offers them has good beneficial products available to choose from.

Example: A man goes to his favorite health and nutrition store and asks the clerk what do they have for prostate health? The answer usually is saw palmetto. Is this really vital or beneficial? Did he develop prostate problems because of a lack of saw palmetto in his diet? Will it prevent or aid in supporting prostate health with a dinner salad of saw palmetto?

How do you choose the correct ones that are really vital for the cells to perform their function they were designed to perform?

How do you choose the dietary supplements?

People are looking at the ones:

• that are safe
• they want them to be effective (vital vs. beneficial)
• they want the highest possible quality.

The ones I use in my practice can give you all three. Why?

We know that what you swallow is safe, and effective and clean. We know it’s the best quality.

We know it the best buy because you are getting vital nutrients not just beneficial nutrients.

Going back to the concept of our ancestral diet compared to the diet today. Our bodies were designed to eat natural foods. Not synthetic foods, not manipulated foods but natural foods.

Today if you went out hunting with a natural hunter they couldn’t find any cupcake bushes. There would be no French fry trees. Their eating things that is natural. What the body was designed to eat. Not the modern diet.

The modern diet allows us to accumulate too much fat and it makes our health risk increase for that. So, what do we do?

Well if you’re not getting what the cells require in your diet there is only one wise solution. A dietary supplement! And it better be the best dietary supplement for your needs.

The Core 5 from Plus Wellness has it all. I know there are over 4000 companies. They all claim to be the best. The question is who can prove it. When you’re pushed and they say to you; you have to have evidence. Well we do. Do others? I feel confident any of those companies who can prove to me they have what they say have then I’ll talk about them too.

They never take me up on it. Because they can’t! They also have to back up what they have. 100% satisfaction guarantee! A six month satisfaction guarantee! We are confident wellness will improve. Clients feel great and they do not want to give up on the products.

They also have NSF certification. Everything is in there as exactly as they say. Some companies don’t go for the NSF rating.

If you are looking to have true vibrant health dietary supplements fill the gap where nutrition is missing from it.

One way or another, our cells need it.

Why the ones we recommend? Why not this company or that company. We have proven effective results. What most companies do is they will site a scientific study on an ingredient that they have in a product. It doesn’t say there are any studies on their product.

It doesn’t say there are any studies on the ingredient that were placed in their product. Not even studies in general on the product. It costs money to do scientific study to research. The vital supplements from the company we use have spent over 20 million in the last 5 years proving and validating what they have. They just don’t talk about it. They do have cutting edge technology and they can validate it. ? Patents filed are “Composition of Matter” patents, instead of simple usage patents.

What about natural ingredients. The majority of dietary supplements are made with synthetics. All of ours are gluten free. Many are suitable for vegetarians. B vitamin in most every vitamin supplement sold is made from petroleum distillates. Does that sound nourishing? Is it normal for scientists to move molecules to make manipulated synthetics?

This is the reason disease still increases when using supplements. Guess why! It has to be made for the body to use in a food form not synthetic. Just cause it says the ingredients are there doesn’t mean they will work in the body.

You want your ingredients extracted from food to be put into your supplements. We use science to do the research and science to validate it.

The foundation for every wellness program all the time think of nutrition as it was medicine. Like a person will say I have Congas of the Bongas (I just made up this disease. I don’t want to say any disease)! What should I take?

There are no dietary supplements for Congas of the Bongas or any other disease. Vitamins and minerals, and herbals, and phytosterols, and antioxidants, and glyconutrients those things don’t cure disease or treat disease. They feed the cells of your body. Your body does what it is supposed to do if it said what it needs.

The foundation for your wellness program every client should start with our Core 5. Why do we have the Core 5? The Core 5 is the combination that you need to supplement to cover your basic ability to build a strong foundation for your wellness program.

The basis of that for everybody in my opinion is going to be glyconutrients, phytosterols, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids.


• Support the immune system
• Support the digestive tract
• Support cognitive function and brain function
• Enhance moods
• Cell to cell communication

We don’t talk. We prove with studies.

70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract. How many products do you know that can do that all in one? But there’s more! There is another component that is unique. Glyconutrients, when they combine with amino acids they form glycol proteins.

These are for the correct functions of your cells. Your body needs vitamins and minerals to feed the cells, phytosterols to balance the cells, antioxidants to protect the cells and glyconutrients for the cells to communicate with each other.

That’s all you need. In order to have proper function of your cells we also have to have the correct compliment of glycoproteins for those cells. Do other supplements do that? What! What foundation?

I don’t care what kind of vitamin and mineral, what kind of phytosterol, who the company is, what the claims are. You have to start with a basic foundation. That basic foundation is with glycoproteins. The glycoproteins cannot be made without glyconutrients (Not just one or two or three glyconutrients. You need all 8 of them which are available in a patented complex).

Remember the ancestral diet and the modern diet. You have to ask yourself the question. Am I getting the glyconutrients from my diet that I need every day? The answer is probably going to be no. We already know only about 11% of the population are eating the minimum level of fruits and vegetables.

And as far as it improves brain function wow! I know a bunch of people who could benefit from that. This third party clinical trial showed improvement in brain wave frequency and mental reaction time. It also improved concentration, memory, moods and decreases irritability. These are important. And we are still only talking about one product! With all those things and all those benefits we’re still only talking about one product.

The importance of supporting the digestive tract! 70% of the body’s total immune system is in your digestive tract.

This technology with all the other companies they say! We have glyconutrients too. Do you have the complex? Well No. But we do have glyconutrients. My body wants the complex. I don’t want one glyconutrient. I don’t want two glyconutrients. I want them all (8). That’s what my body wants. The body has a built in menu and if it could only order and feed it.

What about antioxidants? The way they rate antioxidants is interesting. Antioxidants can help you to prevent the harmful effects of free radicals from chemicals and pollutants in the environment.

Your body also makes free radicals and your body needs a certain amount of them. If a free radical receives an extra electron it is no longer harmful for your body. It is actually beneficial to your body if it receives that extra electron. Where does it get the extra electron from? Antioxidants!

Let’s talk about validation. Free radicals cause a lot of damage to your cells. They can damage the DNA in your body. They are the cause of premature aging.

Do you want to test a product in a tube or in a human? I want it tested in blood. I don’t care what the test tube says. I don’t care about any laboratory mumble jumble. I want to know what it is going to do in me.

Some companies out there only sell antioxidants. USDA did a test rating what’s out there on the market for antioxidant protection. The ratings showed many leading companies with no detectable levels of protection. Some call it a salad bowl of antioxidants. It was rated in a test tube not in a human. The ratings are meaningless. What does it mean in human blood? They didn’t test it.

They found the highest level to be our antioxidant. It has the science and it has the validation. We know this synergistic blend does deliver.

USDA did a test rating the benefit from eating today’s diet of fruits and vegetables. They state that we should be eating at least five serving of fruits and vegetables every day. With that you can receive 13% antioxidant protection.

With two of our antioxidant daily supplements you will receive 37.4% antioxidant protection. This is Three times more than just eating 5 – 7 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Do you eat 5 – 7 servings every day? Are you one of the proactive 11% who are even doing this at all? What about the other 89%?

Let’s talk about the support for your endocrine system. Your glandular system! Well what does it do? It makes hormones! So what this mean it affects your mood, growth and development, tissue function, reproductive processes all dependent on what is called phytosterols. Futon means plant. Plant sterols! Plants have them and we’re supposed to eat them.
That’s why we’re supposed to eat 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables every day like peaches and cherries and all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Carrots! Carrots are what you should be eating. The nutrition you should be getting.

Are you getting this nutrition every day in your diet? Maybe not! If you’re not you better supplement. Our hormone balancer Plus supports the endocrine system. It also supports breast health, prostate health, bone health, and colon health all in one product. People who take it say they feel good. Not making it just through the day but feel good every day.

Also a group of amino acids in Plus can support not just the immune system but the nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

What makes a multi-vitamin? What makes it great? Well everybody’s got one. They all claim to be the best. Some are marketed so well that everyone thinks they are the best. They are so well known.

I would submit to you that something well known isn’t necessarily valid as the best scientifically. Telling you today I am the advertiser so we share results not advertising claims.

If you need to have a really great vitamin and mineral product it needs to be natural because your body was designed to consume natural. You are an organic organism. You were designed to consume natural things. Not synthetic things. Plant nutrients! Why should you eat broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, radishes and onions? You should eat them for the phytonutrients in them. Are you eating all these things every day? Most people aren’t.

Another thing is that when you are looking at the nutrients in two tomatoes side by side they may not have the same level of nutrients. Crops vary. Seasons, water, temperature changes, soil. One group may have a certain level of phytonutrients and the other group may have a different level.

You want to have the same exact support in terms of phytonutrients in every supplement you swallow. That means they have to be standardized. That also increases the cost of the product to have the right amount of phytochemicals in each batch. That also makes a better product. Quality! I don’t want to spend half the money amount for a nutrient that does nothing.
I want to spend to get the nutrient I need for my body every day. Validate measure and show.

You may not know this but most minerals you buy in vitamin mineral supplements are actually made from rocks. The majority of calcium supplements the calcium comes from lime stone. How many of you put lime stone on your dinner plate at night? Humans I think were not designed to eat rocks do you think? It is true if you pulverize the rock to a small enough particle size you can actually absorb a small amount of the total. Which is why dieters are told you need 100’s of milligrams of this and a 100’s milligrams of that. You can only absorb a small amount of the total.

But if you get it from plants your body is designed to eat plants. Get the minerals you need from plants! Plants know what to do! Plants can pull rocks and dirt up into the roots and turn it in to a food in their leaves. A plant food matrix! Then we eat that plant. We can eat that plant that has a mineral we can actually absorb. Natural vitamins and minerals! Plant food! Superior!
Because of technology and standardization!

The foundation for your wellness program, not just for your health needs to start with the best quality, supplements that are safe, effective and based on sound scientific research.

The ones I use in my practice can give you all three. Why? They are just not cutting edge. They come from:

• state of the art labs
• best formulations
• quality
• safety program requirement
• quality assurance program
• third party testing

We know that what you swallow is safe, and effective and clean. We know it’s the best quality.

We know it the best buy because you are getting vital nutrients for the same cost as you would spend on just a beneficial nutrient.

There is another component to wellness. How much body fat are you carrying around? We will discuss that next time!

 To learn more about wellness and the missing vital nutrients order:
'The Common Sense Nutrition Approach to Wellness and a Better Quali... by Dr. Dan Fouts

Plus Wellness 4 Women

Marian Tschiegg, RN Marvin Tschiegg
Glyutritional Wellness Consultant Professional Health Coach
Nutraceutical Representative
Weight Management Advisor

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