


VOTING HAS BEGUN!! To Read the Entries Please View Below!


THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS but you can vote for the winner!

Contest Has Started and entry submission ends Friday Night, May 22nd. Then The Voting Starts!! That's Right... The Members will decide the winner of this contest Starting Monday May, 25th-29th. You get to help decide who wins the summer makeover!! Submit Your Photo and Story Today!!

Welcome to the "Win a Summer Makeover" A Contest where you could win a the 3 month membership at Evolution Fitness plus a hair, nail and make-up makeover at Ana Molinari Salon. Total Value over $800.

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The specific rules to this contest are as follows. This is a submit a story only Contest. All Entries must be an online story submission. Upload your story below along with a photo of yourself. In your story tell us in 500 words of less why you need to win a summer makeover.Entry submission ends Friday NIGHT AT 11:59 PM, May 22nd.

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I am a mother of three children ages 6-12, going thru a divorce, looking for a house to move into to. I now have to find a new teaching position due all of the budget cuts.
I am a full time school teacher, a full time artist and a full time mother - I have not had my nails professionally done in over six years. I have not belonged to a gym since I was twenty-one. I am also a full time student taking night class so that I can get my master's degree and earn a pay raise for a better quality of life. So I am stressed and frazzled to the limit. I need to work out to tone my muscles that have been neglected and a makeover would be much appreciated!!
I would love to win this makeover. As a non-profit legal aid attorney I work between 45 and 60 hours a week. I have very little time to myself to pamper myself. I often don't have time to do more than throw on mascara and lipstick as I head off to court to save someone's home or get an injunction for protection against domestic violence to save someone's life or children. It is because of this that a summer make over would mean so much to me and would allow me to be pampered and would relieve some of the stress that I face each day. I have attached a picture take about 10 years ago as to what I can look like with a makeover. The second picture is me, with no makeup, getting a book from my family on relieving stress and finally the last picture is of me working at one of my educational functions. Thank you for your consideration.
After 4 long years of battling a stomach issue caused by a very stressful job and the daily life of being a hardworking single mother, I finally had surgery in January to remove my gall bladder which the doctors could not figure out for 4 years. Now after suffering for so long I am able to eat anything I want. There lies my problem. I have gained weight since January and cannot afford to go to a gym. I am a single mother with no child support. I work a new STRESSFREE fulltime job and also sell Mary Kay and Jewels by Park Lane to make ends meet which has been difficult with today's economy. I would love to have a make-over to make me feel better about myself and loose weight! I recently cut my long natural curly hair to above my shoulders but it is still missing something to give me my sparkle back but unfortunately I just can't afford to go to a Salon to have anything done. Help - feeling blah in Bradenton.
Sue Kutno
As an independant "starving artist/jewelry designer" spa time is something never in my tight budget. Now that the summer is upon us, business at the Village of the Arts slows down and just surviving is tough. Unable to hold a full time job due to numerous back surgeries, (thanks, red light runners!) I would love to get some weight off and strengthen my back muscles just to keep the pain under control, as I refuse to go the pain medication route that the doctors seem to think is the only option. I was doing pretty good, but after spending the past 3 months nursing my late father thru terminal cancer and then having to empty his home, I am physically and mentally exhausted, and gained back weight I had lost. This would be like a dream come true to jump start me into a new body!
Love to win this one!!!!
I know I am suppose to wrtite why I want a summer makeover, but I don't feel right waving a flag on why I want to be made over. Don't get me wrong I want it - I'm an esthetician and spend my time makeing everyone else look beautiful so not much time is spent on me.
I would rather nominate someone I feel really could use this in thier life. I want to nomintae my mother even though she doesn't have a cpu and can't become a member of WQ. When I was in highschool, she went back to USF and was able to obtain a degree in Speech Pathology, she didn't go to college before my brothers and I were born and wanted to do something to make her feel more proud of herself. A few weeks after graduation she was rear ended by a drunk driver. She went though 9 surgeries in 1 yr and has permanent disabilities rendering her unable to teach. Over the past 15+ yrs she has still attempted to earn different tech degrees in an attempt to still tyfry and make a living on her own. Every one of her ventures failed after a few months of working when she realized her pain could not tolerate the job she trained for. Over this time she has lost her mother and a sister to Alzheimers, among a few other family members to ailments. Last summer my mother who normally is very well put togetehr despite the daily battles, let herself go so far that when we rushed her to the ER due to what we thougth were signs of a stroke - they diagnosed her with a psychological breakdown. My mother I once knew is no longer the person I see or talk to anymore. She weighs only 90 lbs, looks frail and empty.

I just want her to be happy and look healthy again. I think this would be great for her because I think she really needs it in her life. She no longer wears makeup or even dries her hair whcih use to be beautiful long and blonde. Please take into consideration my nomination for this contest. I aprpeciate it deeply!

Tiffanie said:
I know I am suppose to wrtite why I want a summer makeover, but I don't feel right waving a flag on why I want to be made over. Don't get me wrong I want it - I'm an esthetician and spend my time makeing everyone else look beautiful so not much time is spent on me.
I would rather nominate someone I feel really could use this in thier life. I want to nomintae my mother even though she doesn't have a cpu and can't become a member of WQ. When I was in highschool, she went back to USF and was able to obtain a degree in Speech Pathology, she didn't go to college before my brothers and I were born and wanted to do something to make her feel more proud of herself. A few weeks after graduation she was rear ended by a drunk driver. She went though 9 surgeries in 1 yr and has permanent disabilities rendering her unable to teach. Over the past 15+ yrs she has still attempted to earn different tech degrees in an attempt to still tyfry and make a living on her own. Every one of her ventures failed after a few months of working when she realized her pain could not tolerate the job she trained for. Over this time she has lost her mother and a sister to Alzheimers, among a few other family members to ailments. Last summer my mother who normally is very well put togetehr despite the daily battles, let herself go so far that when we rushed her to the ER due to what we thougth were signs of a stroke - they diagnosed her with a psychological breakdown. My mother I once knew is no longer the person I see or talk to anymore. She weighs only 90 lbs, looks frail and empty.

I just want her to be happy and look healthy again. I think this would be great for her because I think she really needs it in her life. She no longer wears makeup or even dries her hair whcih use to be beautiful long and blonde. Please take into consideration my nomination for this contest. I aprpeciate it deeply!
I am a single mom of 2 kids ages 2 & 9. I have no family here to help... Long story short: I could use some pampering!
Hi, I love this magazine. I really need a make-over. I have very naturally curly hair and have had the same look for 20 years. My hair won't do anything......HELP..
I just had to quit my part-time job, due to health issues and I am focusing on all of my artistic creations.With summer here, I need customers, locals please apply. After all----- we need to stick together.
I need a summer makeover, because I deserve it! I am caring, helpful, loving, sharing, giving, positive, understanding, good listener, make people laugh, upbeat, honest, hard worker, fun, kind, patience, courteous, sprituial, sympathetic, faithful, strong, happy, greatful, passionate, however with all that said, I am cute, but need help physically & externally!
ps..don't like pictures of myself, this is the best I have....I'm the one in the middle with my two beautiful sister's! Regards, Victoria :)

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