Hi Rachelle -- Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.
Rachel, Thanks for entering our contest. If you'd like to see more info on what is included in the makeover please visit www.whatabackyard.com & to see some of our water features visit www.backyardgetaway.net. Make sure to check out our upcoming events for free classes. Good Luck, Lisa
Hi Rachelle, Did you ever receive your prize from American Laser? Let me know. I also need a favor. I need you to send a hi res photo to me as soooon as possible. I am going to put you in the magazine. It can be any photo. It doesn't really matter. Please send it to wes@proadmedia.com. Sorry so last minute:( Wes
Hi Rachelle, Welcome to WQ Mag.com. Good looking kids. I love your favorite book. Don't forget to join the give aways. This is the last day to register for T.Georgiano's. Wes
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Truly, Jack'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:
Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!
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