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Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2009

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RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Make a Resolution for Your Relationship

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Dec 29, 2009. 0 Replies

Most of the time when we make resolutions for the New Year, our resolutions tend to be self-centered. Resolutions such as losing weight or stopping smoking are generally about you and you alone. This…Continue

Tags: tip, Amy Warren, relationship, New Year, resolution


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Nov 18, 2009. 0 Replies

Last week, I talked about making sure your negative feelings don’t leak out on your partner. This week’s tip is about how to protect yourself so your partner’s bad day doesn’t become your bad day.…Continue

Tags: Protect, Yourself, WEEK:, THE, TIP


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Nov 18, 2009. 0 Replies

If you’ve had a bad day or if you are upset or in a bad mood for whatever reason, check to make sure it doesn’t leak out on your partner. Checking for leakage means that you acknowledge your own…Continue

Tags: relationship tip, Amy Warren, bad mood, feelings, relationships


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Nov 18, 2009. 0 Replies

If you are in relationship, then you are not alone. Virtually everything you do will affect your partner in one way or another. Be conscious; you are now walking the path with another human being…Continue

Tags: feelings, conscious, relationship tip, Amy Warren, relationships

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Curiosity Doesn't Kill...the Relationship

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Nov 18, 2009. 0 Replies

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it will give long, peaceful life to your relationship. At the Relational Life Institute, we say “Make points of contention become points of curiosity.” When…Continue

Tags: Relationships, Amy Warren, Relationship Tips, arguments


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Nov 18, 2009. 0 Replies

To respond to a partner (or anyone else) who is upset with you with a counterattack of what he did wrong is not fair game. It means you are not being accountable for your own actions. Plus, you…Continue

Tags: relationships, Amy Warren, relationship tip, accountability, tit for tat

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Nuking Is For the Microwave

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Nov 18, 2009. 0 Replies

Often when people get hurt or angry, the tendency is to try to get back at the other person with hurtful words or actions. In the Relational Life Therapy I practice, we refer to retaliation as one of…Continue

Tags: relationship tip, relationships, Amy, communication, retaliation


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

Each person’s reality of the same situation or incident will differ. We can be at the same place, at the same time and yet hear, see and interpret differently.Recognize that your partner’s reality…Continue

Tags: reality, right or wrong, communication, Amy Warren, relationship tip


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

Most of us like to confide in our girlfriends about whatever relationship issues we’re having. While it’s true that one of the great things about female friendships is that we do actually talk to…Continue

Tags: Amy Warren, friends, relationship, friendship, relationship tip


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

Remember how amazed you were when you first fell in love-—amazed that you found this person with all his attributes and even more amazed that he cared about you? That amazement gave breath to your…Continue

Tags: relationship., relationship tip, love, Amy Warren

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Make Apologies Meaningful

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

When you say “I’m sorry”, make sure you aren’t just mouthing empty words. Too many people say “I’m sorry” and continue to do the same thing -- resulting in a meaningless apology. You can only expect…Continue

Tags: I'm sorry, relationships.apology, relationship tip, Amy Warren


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

Whenever we point out someone else’s mistake or shortcomings in a way that is anything other than helpful, we are shaming them. To shame a loved one, or anyone else for that matter, is disrespectful.…Continue

Tags: relationships, shame, relationship tip, Amy Warren


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

Sorry ladies, this tip doesn’t mean to put down your broom. What this tip really means is to stop sweeping the dirt in your relationship under the rug. With both friends and lovers, incidents will…Continue

Tags: Amy Warren, relationship tip, communication


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

Last week, I talked about the value of requesting what you want from your partner. This week’s tip is about what to do if your partner makes a request of you. The cherishing response for any…Continue

Tags: relationship tip, Amy Warren, generosity, request

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Move from Complaint to Request

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

For all of those things you want to complain about in your relationship, change the complaints to requests. Requests are present or future-oriented which is what really matters anyway. Complaints are…Continue

Tags: request, relationship tip, complain, Amy Warren

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Stop Gauging Your Behavior on Your Partner’s Behavior

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

This week’s tip is about being your self. How many times have you based what you are about to say on how you think your partner will react, or what you think he wants to hear? How often do you gauge…Continue

Tags: codependency, Amy, Relationship, Warren, tip


Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

All too often, people say mean or hurtful words and then dismiss them later. "I was angry" "I was just having a bad day" or the proverbial "I was just PMSing" are all excuses people give for words…Continue

Tags: tip, Waren, relationship, Amy

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Help Your Partner to Succeed

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Sep 20, 2009. 0 Replies

This week, I’m adding a step to last week’s tip of asking for what you want. The next step is to empower your partner to succeed. In the Relational Life Therapy that I practice, we call this the…Continue

Tags: tip, relationship, Amy, Warren

AFTER THE DISCOVERY: Living with a Sex Addict

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Aug 1, 2009. 0 Replies

A woman’s discovery that she is living with a sex addict is one of the most excruciating realizations she may ever have to face. What follows often includes self-tormenting images of the partner’s…Continue

Tags: addiction, , relationships, , , Warren, , sex, abuse"

Relationship Tip of the Week: Define What You Want and Ask for It

Started by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist Jun 23, 2009. 0 Replies

Women are often disappointed in relationships because they don't get what they want. They mistakenly believe that men can read their mind or "should just know" their heart's desire. Often women will…Continue

Tags: tip, relationship, Warren, Amy

Comment Wall


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Comment by Susie Anderson on July 18, 2009 at 1:01pm
As a member of multiple dating sites, I realized my search for a Partner had to be as serious as if I were searching for a new job. I continually tweak my online dating profile, and I research what other women have in theirs. I WOULD LOVE TO HELP YOU CREATE OR IMPROVE YOUR ONLINE PROFILE, JUST EMAIL ME, THAT'S ALL IT TAKES TO START, and it's FREE!
Comment by Diane Lane on June 16, 2009 at 9:37pm
For those of you possibly in a relationship where there seems to be a deep, unending, soulmate kind of love....but you cannot seem to "make the relationship work," I highly recommend the book, "Facing Love Addiction" by Pia Mellody.

I've recently broken off a three year relationship. We basically spent the last year passionately and emotionally being off and on, dramatically, because there was "so much love there." Well, had I read this book eight months ago when it was suggested I read it, who knows, we may still be in the relationship.

The book is about recognizing your style of Love Addiction, which stems from childhood abandonment. You are (possibly) either a Love Addict, or a Love Avoider. Love Addicts have a tendency to "enmesh" their partners, while Love Avoiders have a tendency to resent the "enmeshment," and/or the smothering from the Love Addict, as well as resent the responsibility the Love Addict has unconsciously placed upon the Love Avoider. All of which creates a tumultuous relationship that you "can't live with or without."

Reading this book has opened my eyes to an insidious way of being in relationships, which I had no idea was playing an huge role in my life. Thankfully, the book offers the path to healing...and to better relationships in the future. Or, at least, recognizing an unhealthy relationship when the red flags start flying!
Comment by faith tolka on May 9, 2009 at 1:43pm
I have just written on "Emotional autism: Are you stuck in the 'alone zone'?" on my blog http://faithsforum.blogspot.com. Comments and observations welcome.
Comment by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on April 27, 2009 at 2:39pm
Relationship Tip of the Week: Focus on the Positive

This week, I’m going to begin a series of relationship tips by asking you to do something harder than you think --- to focus on the positive. For one week, each time you open your mouth to say something negative to your partner, close it. There may be lots of negatives in your relationship, and I absolutely want you to address them. But first of all, I invite you to become more aware of the positives in your relationship. Try to find the good things in it and comment on them. You may still address the things you don’t like, but frame it in the positive. “I would really appreciate it if you get home in time for dinner because I invested a lot of time and love preparing it for you,” sounds much better than “You never come home on time! I slaved over a hot stove for hours and this is what I get in return!” Not only does the first statement sound better, it will garner a much different response from your partner.

Don’t just apply this technique to your relationships; apply it everywhere in life. Lately, I’ve been cognizant of how different my experiences are when I’m around people who are negative versus people who are positive. It changes the entire energy of the day or activity. Your energy can contaminate another person’s energy, so become mindful of it. Look for the silver lining; you can usually find one if you look hard enough. I truly don’t believe people recognize how negative and critical than can be; it’s a matter of becoming conscious. Become aware of how many times you have to bite your tongue to stop a critical statement from coming out of your mouth. We’re all negative at times, but sometimes we take it to the extreme. People don’t like to be around negative people. Why should your partner be expected to be any different? If you have to take out a virtual magnifying glass to amplify the good in the relationship, so be it. You might find you’ve been taking some things for granted, like how much it helps you when your husband picks the kids up from day care. Bring praise and appreciation into your relationship, even if you think that the good things should be a given in the relationship, or even if the negatives negate the positives.

This exercise is not about putting on blinders to your partner’s bad behavior. Rather it’s about monitoring your own level of tolerance and seeing if perhaps by looking for the positives, you will see more good in the relationship. Believe me, the negatives will still be present in your relationship next week, and you should speak to them if they continue to matter. But, perhaps the negative things won’t seem quite so vibrant once you get into the habit of looking for the positive. If you’re brave enough to take on the assignment, notice the change in your own moods as well as the responses from your partner this week. I guarantee you’ll see a difference. Make a note of it and share your experiences with others at WQ. Next week, I’ll give you tips on how to speak to your partner about those negatives that continue to disturb you. But for now, keep the optimism!

by Amy Warren, LMHC

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