
8 Ways To Better Develope Knowledge and Become An Expert in Your Business

Do you really know exactly what your prospects are looking for? Do you know their likes, dislikes and their fears?

Do you know what is going to motivate them to take an action that you're looking for them to take?

Everything your prospects do is action based, from clicking on your add to submitting their details on your data capture site.

8 Things To Do Right Now To Better Know Your Prospects And Audience

1. Subscribe to magazines that pertain to your audience. For example, if your marketing weight loss, consider getting a subscription to men's health or women's health or muscle and fitness.

2. Study your competitors - pay attention to what I term, "Best of the Breed". These are the competitors in your niche market that have the largest market share of those that you believe do a great job of penetrating and communicating with their audience. This is an obvious but often overlooked way to get an 'edge'.

3. Subscribe to online newsletters/subscription lists. Yes, study their follow up email systems, the content that their sharing, copy, flow of system, etc.

4. Be part of local groups that pertain to your audience. If your marketing weight loss, attend local support groups - a great way to know your audience is to surround yourself with them!

5. Become part of online social networking groups and clubs. They're out there for about every possible topic under the sun. Yahoo Groups, MSN Groups, etc.

6. Exposure and study here is the key to this process - don't forget www.youtube.com, www.facebook.com, www.stumbleupon.com, etc.

7. Reading books from your local library and online information - are you noticing a theme here? Reading studying and observing is essential to this process. Don't just study your audience, become one with them and surround yourself with them. This can make all the difference in the world.

8. Speaking with local experts with the topic your embracing. If you're marketing weight loss, you may consider speaking with psychologists, professors, weight loss experts, etc. Let them share with you their thoughts and ideas as to what a typical 'sufferer' feels, seeks and experiences. Be able to relate to your audience. The more informed you are, the better you can make this happen.

Prospects Buy From Experts

Here are a few more pointers that will assist you in this process.

1. Fears

2. Benefits that are important to them

3. Likes / dislikes

4. What's important to them

5. What makes them loose sleep at night

6. Is it a want or a need for them

7. Have they been lied, cheated, or mislead in the past with similar products and services.

8. What are the demographics that you're trying to reach?

Understanding your audience is literally the difference between you having a successful business or your business being a complete failure. It may sound like a lot of work, but if you have a true PASSION for your products and services it'll actually be a lot of fun.

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