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Started by Barbara Jain May 6, 2010. 0 Replies

Whether you know it or not, stress is affecting your financial attitudes, your approach to relationships, your overall well-being and the quality of your life experience. Today, in the well-being…Continue

Free Advertising for Your Business Online

Started by Jessica Feb 25, 2010. 0 Replies

A Community for Everyone to Advertise, Share and Take Advantage of Ideas and Tips to Grow Our Businesses. Join us! Membership is FREE…Continue

NuBarter Is Looking For An Experienced Commissioned Account Executive In Sarasota & Bradenton

Started by Caroline Gosnell Feb 24, 2010. 0 Replies

If you have a proven track record in sales, marketing and new account generation, this may be the perfect position for you!  Skills & Qualifications:The ideal candidate has a passion for sales…Continue

WHY YOU ARE BROKE! (This was spammed into my inbox!!!)

Started by Jessica Feb 3, 2010. 0 Replies

This is an email that was sent to me by a Project Payday Spammer. ( I am so anti-spam lol)Great Article to jump start my February! so I thought to…Continue

Freshen Up Your Home on a Budget

Started by emma croft Jan 27, 2010. 0 Replies

Interior Design, Interior Decorating diy guide. http://housestoimpress.com is your free guide to excellence in interior design and decorating.

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Comment by Konstanza Beverly on February 15, 2011 at 4:55pm
I would like to invite each of you to our Business Fair on February 24th - please see our event posting on the WQMag events page. Note: table opportuinites are still available (only$25.00) and the funds will goto the Tallevast Community Center. For additional information please contact Denise Hagmann at 941-556-5360 or email dhagmann@flbank.com. We look forward to seeing you there.
Comment by Barbara Jain on May 6, 2010 at 2:21am
Whether you know it or not, stress is affecting your financial attitudes, your approach to relationships, your overall well-being and the quality of your life experience. Today, in the well-being market, the fastest growing and most highly sought after solutions are for relieving stress and feeling great again.
Comment by Genevieve Tomlinson on January 30, 2010 at 7:57am
I am looking for more promotions opportunities. I will be opening a Tea House this Spring, 2010. This is part of my passion, the other is Natural Medicine.
Comment by emma croft on January 27, 2010 at 7:14am
Interior design ideas, interior design photos and pictures, modern home design, decorating, and contemporary world architecture trends for your inspiration. check

Comment by Vicki Viccora on November 9, 2009 at 8:29am
Image for Holiday Expo.JPG
NV Event Holiday Expo looking for Vendors:

I am Vicki owner of NV Events Planner, I am hosting a Holiday Expo for small business to showcase their product or service. I would like to invite you or someone you know to be a vendor at the event. More information I posted a blog. For detail information call 941-360-6608 or email Vicki@NVEventsPlanner.com me and I would be gald to share it with you. Planned for Dec 12, 2009 from 10 am - 3pm at the Sarasota Art Center.
Comment by Ronni Tasman on August 20, 2009 at 1:01pm
Do you like to Roller/Inline Skate?
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Comment by Stacy L. Alario, FCBI on August 17, 2009 at 4:27pm
Cashing Out – Part 4 – Closing the Sale

Why do business sales fall apart? In many cases, the buyer and the seller reach a tentative agreement on the sale of the business, only to have it fall apart. There are reasons this happens, and once understood, many of the worst "deal-crashers" can be avoided.

Understanding is the key word. Both the buyer and the seller must develop an awareness of what the sale involves – such awareness should include facing potential problems before they swell into floodwaters and “sink” the sale.

What keeps a sale from closing successfully? In a survey of business brokers across the United States, similar reasons were cited so often that a pattern of casualty began to emerge. The following is a compilation of situations and factors affecting the sale of a business.

1. The seller is not up-front concerning problems in the business.

2. The buyer has second thoughts about the price. In some cases, the buyer agrees on a price, only to discover that the business will not, in his opinion, support the price. Whether this “discovery” is based on gut- reaction or a second look at the figures, it impacts seriously on the transaction at hand. It is of prime importance that the business be fairly priced right from the beginning. Once that price has been established, the documentation must support the seller’s claims so that buyers can see the “real” facts for themselves.

3. Both the buyer and seller become impatient. During the course of the selling process, it is easy – in the case of both parties- for impatience to set in. Buyers continue to want increasing varieties of information, and sellers begin to grow weary of it all. Both sides need to understand that the closing process takes time. However, it should not take so much time that the agreement is endangered. It is important that both parties, if they are using outside professionals, should use only those knowledgeable in the business closing process.

4. Sometimes the buyer and the seller are not (or never were) in agreement. How does this situation happen? Unfortunately, there are business sale transactions wherein the buyer and the seller realize belatedly that they have not been in agreement all along – they just thought they were. Cases of communication failure are often fatal to the successful closing. A professional business broker is skilled in making sure that both sides know exactly what the agreement entails – and can reduce the chance that such misunderstandings will occur.

5. In all too many instances, the seller does not really want to sell the business! Selling a business has many emotional ramifications because the business often represents the seller’s life work. Therefore, it is important that prospective sellers make a firm decision to sell prior to going to market with the business. If there are doubts, these should be overcome or resolved. Some sellers enter the marketplace just to "test the waters" – to see if they could get their “price” – should they ever get really serious. This type of seller is the misfortune of brokers and buyers alike. Brokers generally can tell when they encounter the “casual” category (as opposed to “serious”) seller. However, an inexperienced buyer may not recognize the difference until it is too late and after much expense. A willing seller is a good seller.

6. The buyer really does not want to buy! What is true for the mixed-emotion seller can be true for a buyer as well. Buyers can enter the sale process full of excitement and optimism, and then begin to get second thoughts as the closing draws nearer. This is especially true today, with many displaced corporate executives and employment layoffs, many buyers are entering the market. Buying an owning a business is still the American dream- and for many it becomes a profitable reality. However, the entrepreneurial reality also includes risk, a lot of hard work, and long intense hours. Sometimes this is too much reality for a prospective buyer to handle.

7. And none of the above. While the situations listed are the main reasons why many transactions fall apart, there can still be unforeseen problems beyond anyone’s control – such as “Acts of God” that can drastically change the situation, or even environmental problems. Nonetheless, many potential “deal-breakers” can be handled, or dealt with prior to the marketing of the business, to help insure that the sale will close successfully.

Finally, remember these components in working toward the success of the business sale: good chemistry between all parties involved; a mutual understanding of the agreement; a mutual understanding of the emotions of both the buyer and seller; and the belief – on the part of both parties – that they are involved in a good transaction. Add to this equation a good ethical business broker, who can provide vital services for both parties, and who can act as the “glue” for holding together the pieces and often “the hands,” throughout this sometimes trying, but extremely rewarding process.

Stacy L. Alario, FCBI and American Business Brokerage are a Florida licensed real estate firm with over thirty years of experience helping buyers and sellers to achieve their dreams and goals. For a confidential appointment to discuss yours, please call (941)957-1414 or email Stacy at stacyalario@aol.com www.americanbusinessbrokerage.org
Comment by Stacy L. Alario, FCBI on July 29, 2009 at 11:47am
American Business Brokerage and Stacy L. Alario, FCBI is looking for a bar owner in Hillsborough, Pinellis, Manatee, Sarasota or Charlotte county, who is interested in confidentially selling their business. If you, or you know someone who is inteterested in discussing their exit strategy or options, please call me at (941)957-1414 or email, StacyAlario@aol.com. All discussions will be kept strictly confidential.
Comment by Lisa Kelly on July 27, 2009 at 11:50am
Hi everybody! I wanted to make everyone aware of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). If you're in need of a new air conditioning system now is the time to do it! You can get up to $1500.00 in tax credits if you install a quallifying system. Visit my webste at manateeair.com for more info or call me, Lisa Kelly at 941-758-2323.
Comment by Elizabeth Van Riper on July 21, 2009 at 9:50am
Getting the hang of this the site. Will figure out how to post photo. In the mean time I invite members to visit our web site: www.sayitwithstitches.net to find a broad sampling of the products and services we offer for professional brand extension, special event and corporate gifts. Plus we do carry wonderful personal luxury items all that can be personalized with monogram, name or corporate logo...Our little shop/showroom is located just south of Constitution on the west side of the Trail.

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