
It's Caroline Gosnell's birthday today!

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Caroline Gosnell
  • Female
  • Venice, Florida
  • United States
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Caroline Gosnell's Friends

  • Lady Melody J Clancy
  • John Greer
  • Valerie K Vance
  • Susan
  • Marla F. Gottlieb
  • Jack Alexander
  • Sara Hand
  • Esther Bird

Caroline Gosnell's Page

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My Hometown
About Me
I own and manage the Sarasota-Bradenton Area territory of NuBarter.
NuBarter is a national barter exchange company that encourages their members to use excess goods and services as alternative to cash. We educate businesses on how the barter economy can expand their business.
Interests and Hobbies
Growing tropical plants, beach, ocean, travel, animals especially my two dogs and two cats
High School?
RNS - in England
Sparsholt College, Hampshire UK
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Do you have kids?
How many?
Not the two legged variety! I have two Labradors and two cats

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Caroline Gosnell's Blog

NuBarter is a Forbes.com semi-finalist - Will You Vote For Me?!

Posted on August 24, 2009 at 1:18pm 4 Comments

NuBarter has been chosen from thousands of entries as one of 20 semi-finalists, in the Forbes.com Boost Your Business contest!! We are SO excited. Now our fate is up to you! The 20 will be whittled down to 5 finalists by voters on the forbes.com website. You can view our written entry, that got us this far, and our new video.

Please will you vote, by clicking on the picture of our president - Gary Field. You will need to validate your vote in an email that is sent to you.

The prize… Continue

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At 10:40pm on March 18, 2011, Jack Alexander said…
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Caroline !!!" Clap, Clap. Cheer,Cheer. Bravo. May your birthday be joyously celebrated by one and all. God Bless! Truly, Jack
At 11:46am on June 20, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi Caroline -- Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:

Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!



Please join me at:

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At 10:47am on August 28, 2009, Victoria Newman said…
I just voted for you/your company!!
Good Luck!
See ya at the top!
At 10:36am on August 25, 2009, Rosalie Kay said…
Placed my vote. Anything to help our Economy.
At 9:51am on June 23, 2009, Caroline Gosnell said…
An Old Survival Tool For Modern Times
We all know that the economy is pretty bad, and so far has not showed much sign of recovery. But, just because your sales are down, does not mean you need to cut your prices or spending. What you do need is something different for these different time; something to give your business a boost. That something different is barter. Many of you may already do some one-on-one barter, but there are risks involved and you are restricted to trading with someone who needs your services. A barter exchange removes those problems.

Commercial barter is frequently being featured in the media, as more and more businesses turn to barter exchanges as a way of survival. In the past few months NuBarter has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Venice Gondolier and many other media outlets across the country. NuBarter is seeing phenomenal growth, because we have a reputation for customer service and integrity. We are a well established company, located in four states with national and international reach.

NuBarter assists its members in drawing in new business, both barter and cash paying clients. Our members are able to change from paying cash for some products and services they need, to paying with excess time and inventory. And, let’s face it, excess time and inventory is a problem for most businesses these days.

If you would like to know how we can help your business thrive, please call me for an appointment. There is no obligation and I welcome every opportunity to get to know other local business owners.
At 9:46pm on May 18, 2009, Esther Bird said…
Hi and welcome to WQ MAG website. It's great. Please check out my profile and my upcoming workshops for women on this site under 'events'. Also I hope you will visit my website to learn more about me and my business. I live in Venice too. I'd love to hear from you. 941-266-9578
At 9:47am on May 15, 2009, WQ|mag Admin said…
Good morning Caroline, Welcome to WQ Mag.com. How did you hear about the website? Make sure you promote your business on your page. Don't forget to enter into some the Freebies and take advantage of the Deals that can only be found on WQ Mag.com. If there is anything that you would like to see on the site, just let us know. Thanks for joining and tell your friends. Wes

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