
Alicia Mininger
  • Female
  • Las Vegas
  • United States
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Alicia Mininger's Friends

  • Jack Alexander
  • Dr. ZZ

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Las Vegas

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At 10:35am on June 27, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi again Alicia -- Here's an update for you, my friend. Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this news item:

It is viewable also on video at:

Please take a listen to my audio-video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!

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At 11:35am on September 8, 2009, Jack Alexander said…
Hey Alicia -– You are so right. Clap! Clap! Cheer! Hooray! The votes are in, the totals have been tallied, and #6 “Leper Beauty” has been announced as the winner. Who loves me now, eh? Needless to say, I couldn’t have done it without your sterling support. Each and ever single vote was important. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your unfailing loyalty. To be continued. . . Many blessings, Jack
At 7:34pm on September 4, 2009, Dr. ZZ said…
Yea Alicia! Yea! Yea! Thanks so much for keeping those daily Art Contest votes coming. As the contest winds down to the final two days, "Leper Beauty" is somehow cosmically neck & neck with #12 for first place. Alas! Every single vote is precious and meaningful. Please continue to vote every day as WQmag members can vote ONCE DAILY thru Sunday midnight (9PM Las Vegas time). That gives everyone two more days and the potential for two additional votes, each vote being a potential tie-breaker. Both Jack and I are grateful that we have you in our corner on our team. You're sunny bright face comes as an extra added bonus as we see your profile picture on the contest page each and every day. Genuine appreciations across the miles from our hearts to your heart. . . Keep those positive thoughts and deeds happening. We love you , we miss you. xxoox, ZZ (for Jack and Zae)
At 9:41am on September 2, 2009, WQ|mag Admin said…
Hi Alicia, welcome to WQ Mag.com. We are glad you joined. Please let us know how you heard about the website. This current site is our beta site. After just four months we have over 10,000 subscribers and over 1,000 members. We are ecstatic about our growth, but we want to make your experience on the site even better. The new site will be out in about 2 months with added features and easier navigation.

This site was started to bring women together. Some professional, some stay at home moms, some retired, some free spirited and some all of the above! Every week we also add new Freebies and Deals that can only be found on WQ Mag.com. So make sure you take advantage of those opportunities. If there is anything that you would like to see on the site, just let us know. Thanks for joining and tell your friends, because with more members comes more fun! Wes Craven
At 6:06pm on September 1, 2009, Dr. ZZ said…
Wow Alicia! How great to see your smiling face. You look wonderful. Welcome to WQ mag. This will probably be a fun web site for you -- with your Florida roots and all. Thanks tons for responding to Jack's call and coming to our rescue. The word of the day is VOTE: vote today, tomorrow, and the rest of the week thru Sunday 9PM your time. Thanks for zooming in. We love you. xxoox, ZZ
At 6:00pm on September 1, 2009, Jack Alexander said…
Hey! Atta' girl! Thanks for the vote. If you have any relatives, neighbors, friends, pets (only kidding about the pets), enemies -- anyone -- who you can possibly rally for this cause, go for it with gusto. There really IS a Goddess! Huge, big thanks. Extra big huggs, Jack

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