A self-taught artist, designer, creative solutions expert, entrepreneur, mother and a loyal friend. She is driven by an incredible passion for sharing her enthusiasm for the freedom of self-expression through her art, creativity coaching and real estate re-design.
As a daughter of an artist and a custom home builder, Darla spent much of her early years being encouraged by her parents to explore and be creative. Years of artistic expression made it clear that Darla's life would be centered upon her passion for freedom of self-expression through creativity, art and design.
When first entering the work force, Darla and her employers soon discovered she had a talent for finances and administration,a her focus became traditional "business as usual" and so her creativity was put on hold. Over 20 successful years in the corporate and government sectors, Darla was driven by the relentless internal desire to have the freedom of self-expression. Not until Darla discovered the SECRET that enabled her to infuse creativity throughout her entire life that she became committed and fully engaged in living her life. She choose to make the move to being the creative entrepreneur that was at her core. Darla became a successful business woman in Real Estate investing and R.E.design, and fine tuned the "art" of creative property management. She appeared on the "Oprah" Show with best selling author of "Rich, Dad, Poor, Dad", Robert Kiyosaki for her achievements in real estate and finances. Darla continues to follow her creative path by returning to the basics of being an artist, writer, creative entrepreneur and Creativity Coach. Founder of COMMITTED LIVING, Creativity Coaching, Workshops and Retreats.
She lives in Florida and in Oregon with her husband Perry, and her little dog Uli.
Creativity Specialist / Real Estate Investments & Re-design
Hi -- "Welcome to WQ Magazine!!!" Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.
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Truly, Jack
Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!