I practice Chinese Medicine which is the oldest continuously practiced medical system in existence today. Acupuncture and Individually Customized Herbal formulas are the hallmarks of this medicine.
Ancient Formulas created a thousand years ago have great benefit for some of the most complex diseases of modern life including auto-immune complexes such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, Raynaud's and the like as well as powerful healthy aging medicinal herbs.
Interests and Hobbies
Tai chi, hiking in nature, training my dachshund.
Acupuncxture Physician
High School?
Winter Haven High School
Emory University
Favorite Movies, TV?
trying to get away from TV, like a wide variety of movies from modern thrillers like The Bourne Identity to romance comedies.
Favorite Books?
Translations of ancient Chinese medical theory
Spiritual/Self developement
Favorite Websites?
Favorite place to eat?
at home
Favorite place to shop?
Metropolis in Chapel Hill
Favorite place to go?
the mountains of North Carolina
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Hi Ellen -- "Welcome to WQ Magazine!!!" Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.
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