
Jim Saladin
  • Male
  • kansas city, ks
  • United States
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At 10:33am on June 30, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi again -- Here's an update for you Jim. Enjoy my gift to you. Let us keep connected while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this news item:

Please take a listen to my audio-video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!


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At 11:58pm on September 12, 2009, Michelle said…
hi jim :)

I just wanted to say thanks for voting for me to win the backyard makeover and super duper thanks for voting on multiple days!!! I am so grateful to everyone that has taken the time out of their day to do something nice for me.

currently in 2nd place and gaining on the leader! one more week of voting so if you are inclined to vote some more that would be great :) you can vote once a day until friday sept 18th. I can't believe I am this close to the prize! couldn't have done it and can't win without all my friends and their friends votes.

thanks so much for your help!!

have a great weekend,
go team airstream!!!
At 11:32pm on September 8, 2009, Michelle said…
hi jim :)

thank you soooo much for registering and voting for me to win the backyard makeover. looks like I am in 2nd place which has me very thankful for all the support and, admittedly, daydreaming about the before & after photos.

thanks for adding me to your daily to-do list. just awesome to have repeat voters. keep up the good work, you can vote once a day until sept 18. when we win there will be a big party and great photos for everyone to enjoy!!

thanks again,
finalist #5

ps sorry about the spam from the artist, totally against the rules...on another note, are you one of my sister's friends? :)

thank you!!!
At 9:04pm on September 4, 2009, Jack Alexander said…
Hi Jim -- Welcome to WQmag. Chances are you'll find this web site to be lot of fun. As a matter of fact, if you like contests, my painting below, #6 “Leper Beauty” is currently neck & neck for first place, going into the last 2 days of the WQmag Fall Art Contest. Every vote at this point is a potential tiebreaker. Talk about exciting!

This is to invite you to click here to vote in the Art Contest. Moreover, if you find it in your heart to vote for painting #6, I would genuinely appreciate it. Leper Beauty is a painting I created while I was involved in a volunteer hands-on healing program at the Tabanan Leper Community in Bali, Indonesia. Miraculously, within 90 days of my finishing the artwork, the 23-year old subject, a girl who had had leprosy all her life, experienced a complete reversal of the disease.

More about the painting and about the potential cause for the girls’ miraculous healing are posted underneath the image on the contest page. WQmag members can vote once a day for their favorite artwork thru Sunday September 6. So please click here to vote now, and continue to vote once a day throughout the rest of the weekend. Till then becomes now. . . Enjoy!

Many blessings, Jack

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