Lazy Fairy Improv, The Sarasota-based troupe performs a two-act show which is totally improvised from beginning to end. Enjoy Lazy Fairy Improv, as they improvise their own versions of Sarasota Idol, The ex-Games, and an Interview with a local expert - complete with Translation for the Hearing Impaired! For the main event, Lazy Fairy Improv will perform their signature piece, “The Pinter,” - an fully improvised play performed in reverse order from end to beginning!
Lazy Fairy is available for private parties, corporate events, bar mitzvahs, weddings, funerals, etc. If you have a stage and a budget, we're there!
What they are saying:
"The Players Theatre is thrilled to host the "Lazy Fairy Troupe." We have received numerous patron feedback regarding how good your guys are. I personally will not miss a performance since I think the troupe is the funniest thing I have every seen! I highly recommend other organizations and even individuals to book you for events including parties, weddings, birthdays, and even funerals! It is my pleasure to host “Lazy Fairy Improve” at The Players Theatre! ~ Michelle Bianchi Pingel, Managing Director - The Players Theatre
Hey Guys, Welcome to WQ On your profile let people know about your troupe and what you do so that they can learn how to be a part of it. We are going to be doing some cool stuff for the arts. Thanks for joining and tell your friends. Wes
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Truly, Jack'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:
Please take a listen to my video at and visit my web sites. God bless!
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