
Lisa Hlywa aka Lisa E.
  • Female
  • Bradenton, FL
  • United States
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Lisa Hlywa aka Lisa E.'s Friends

  • Genevieve Tomlinson

Lisa Hlywa aka Lisa E.'s Page

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Profile Information

My Hometown
Knowlton Twsp. N.J.
About Me
I am a professional photographer on the Gulf Coast of Florida. My business grows every year, and I believe that the reason for my success is that I enjoy what I do, my prices are reasonable. I moved to Fl, in 2003 and have only looked back a few times over the years, but I am here to stay. I live with my big dog and large cat in a condo in the trees, very close to the beach.
Interests and Hobbies
Photography, reading, walking. writing.
High School?
North Warren Regional High School
East Stroudsburg University
Favorite Movies, TV?
To Kill a Mockingbird, Hook, St. Elmo's Fire. NCIS, What not to Wear, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Two and half men, Ghost Whisper
Favorite Books?
Islands of the Stream, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Painted House,
Favorite Websites?
Facebook, mine, msn,
Favorite place to eat?
Favorite place to shop?
Favorite place to go?
The bay
Do you have kids?
What are your favorite name brands of clothing?
I.N.C. A.N.A,
many many many
Purses and Accessories?
a few, keep using the black leather one from 2002
What is your must have for your closet?
A great pair of jeans and my black jacket
Favorite place to get your hair and nails done?
don't have one
Facebook URL
http://Photography by Lisa E.


My website, you can also see more current images on my Facebook Fan Page
Photography By Lisa E.

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 10:22am on August 15, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lisa !!!" Clap, Clap. Cheer,Cheer. Bravo. May your birthday be joyously celebrated my one and all. God Bless! Truly, Jack
At 8:52am on June 16, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi Lisa-- "Welcome to WQ Magazine!!!" Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:

Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!



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