Hi again Melissa -- Here's an update for you. Enjoy my gift to you. Let us keep connected while networking through this site. If we are not yet networking friends, let us become friends now.
thanks for your comments. of course, I wish I would have won :( but I am so happy to heave had such great support from my friends and making new friends was great also.
I am thinking a party might just be in the future anyway - 2nd place ain't too shabby :)
Thank you so so much for registering to vote for me to win!! Only 2 voting days left. I am in 2nd place and closing the gap. It would be GREAT if you could vote again Thursday & Friday.
Thank you thank you thank you
Have a great day :)
vote for #5
Go Team Airstream!!!!
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Truly, Jack'Thought you might like to see this news item:
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thanks for your comments. of course, I wish I would have won :( but I am so happy to heave had such great support from my friends and making new friends was great also.
I am thinking a party might just be in the future anyway - 2nd place ain't too shabby :)
thanks for all your support,
Thank you so so much for registering to vote for me to win!! Only 2 voting days left. I am in 2nd place and closing the gap. It would be GREAT if you could vote again Thursday & Friday.
Thank you thank you thank you
Have a great day :)
vote for #5
Go Team Airstream!!!!