
Pat McCall
  • Male
  • Osprey, FL
  • United States
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Pat McCall's Friends

  • John Burr
  • Caroline
  • Vanessa Kulgoski
  • John Greer
  • Terry Bartlett
  • Susan Blake
  • Jennifer Joy Walker
  • Sue Engelhart
  • Dr. Brenda Yanofsky
  • alan raynor
  • Rick Hughes
  • Annette Vedsegaard-Ross
  • Cara Herman
  • Marcia Rabinowitz
  • Justin Irwin

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Profile Information

My Hometown
Delray Beach FL
In a relationship
About Me
Former award-winning radio personality who went into marketing high tech. Retired and decided to act and do voicceover acting.
Interests and Hobbies
Enjoy all that is Paradise and scooting around in my little hotrod.
Character and Voiceover Actor
High School?
Peddie School and Seacrest HS
Rollins College and Univ. of Miami
Favorite Movies, TV?
Lately - The Dark Knight
Any movie that I am in.
Dexter, Californication, House, Boston Legal, etc. on TV
Favorite Books?
Comrade J, On The Grind, Catcher in The Rye
Favorite place to eat?
The Dry Dock
Favorite place to go?
Siesta Keyy
Do you have kids?
How many?
Childrens age range?
Favorite place to get your hair and nails done?
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At 7:28pm on June 22, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi Pat -- Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:

Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!



Please join me at:

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At 12:26pm on July 9, 2009, Diane Lane said…
Well, thank you, Sir!

Have a beautiful day!!
At 12:01am on July 9, 2009, Diane Lane said…
And so should they be your favorite people ~ we're beautiful...among other things. ;)
At 3:12pm on July 8, 2009, WQ|mag Admin said…
Thanks for the info! Wes
At 3:06pm on July 8, 2009, WQ|mag Admin said…
Hi Pat, Welcome to WQ Mag.com. How did you hear about the website? We are going to be adding a mens section soon, called the MANual. Our tagline for our women viewers is going to be, "When all else fails read the MANual!"

This site was started to bring women together. Some professionals, some stay at home moms, some retired, some free spirited and some all of the above!

The WQ Mag website now has almost 12,000 subscribers and we are approaching 1,000 members in only 10 weeks! And we have only just begun. In about two months our new version of WQ Mag.com will be coming out. It is going to be incredible. We are testing the added features out right now and you are going to love it!

Every week we also add new Freebies and Deals that can only be found on WQ Mag.com. So make sure you take advantage of those opportunities. If there is anything that you would like to see on the site, just let us know. Thanks for joining and tell your friends. Wes



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