I have practiced acupuncture for 22 years and am proprietor of Acupuncture of Sarasota. Having been trained in both Chinese and Japanese acupuncture, I practice traditional Chinese medicine using the Japanese needling technique. Acupuncture can treat almost any illness and is especially effective in treating women's health issues in addition to pain and stress. I use microcurrent to diminish cravings of cigarettes and other addictions (usually with only one treatment). In addition, I am trained as an Aesthetician and perform facial rejuvenation with microcurrent.
In addition to to doing the work that I love, I love my kids and grandkids and my wonderful dog noodles a p.b.g.v.
Interests and Hobbies
Anything to do with needles. sewing, and all needle crafts.Reading,walking,plants,
being by the water.
Words can not express enough appreciation to you for being my health care provider for the past 18 years. Since my first visit to you, when you magically cured symptoms that had stumped a multitude of doctors, your results have always been quick and effective (and much more economical than traditional medicine). I always go to you with confidence that you will be able to treat whatever health issue I have. Thank you for keeping me away from the doctor's office!
Hey Girl, So glad you are on here.. Nice to see that smiling face. You should add a message somewhere on this website that you have space available for rent... I bet there are some great practitioners that would love the space.
Welcome to WQ Mag..
Hi Marilyn, Welcome to WQ Mag.com. How did you hear about the website? This site was started to bring women together. Some professional, some stay at home moms, some both!
We also wanted to start a site where the small business person could afford to advertise in something that was actually good. We combine our print WQ Mag with our WQ Mag.com to reach more women than ever before and for less money. The best promotion that we have ever done is going on right now. Check it out! Details are on the site. We have 11,000 subscribers and over 600 members after 8 weeks and we reach approximately 30,000 women every quarter in our print magazine. WQ If you know anyone that might be interested, send them my way!
In about 8 weeks our new version of WQ Mag.com will be coming out. It is going to be incredible. We are testing the added features out right now and you are going to love it!
Every week we also add new Freebies and Deals that can only be found on WQ Mag.com. So make sure you take advantage of those opportunities. If there is anything that you would like to see on the site, just let us know. Thanks for joining and tell your friends. Wes
Hi Marilyn - welcome to the WQ MAG website. I think you will find it a good site for meeting people and promoting your business. Be sure to check out my women's workshops promoted on this site under 'events/calendar'. Let me know if you want to attend one of my workshops or take advantage of a complimentary coaching session.
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Truly, Jack
'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:
Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!
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Thank you for being an acupuncturist.
Mary Riley
Hope you are doing well!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Words can not express enough appreciation to you for being my health care provider for the past 18 years. Since my first visit to you, when you magically cured symptoms that had stumped a multitude of doctors, your results have always been quick and effective (and much more economical than traditional medicine). I always go to you with confidence that you will be able to treat whatever health issue I have. Thank you for keeping me away from the doctor's office!
Welcome to WQ Mag..
We also wanted to start a site where the small business person could afford to advertise in something that was actually good. We combine our print WQ Mag with our WQ Mag.com to reach more women than ever before and for less money. The best promotion that we have ever done is going on right now. Check it out! Details are on the site. We have 11,000 subscribers and over 600 members after 8 weeks and we reach approximately 30,000 women every quarter in our print magazine. WQ If you know anyone that might be interested, send them my way!
In about 8 weeks our new version of WQ Mag.com will be coming out. It is going to be incredible. We are testing the added features out right now and you are going to love it!
Every week we also add new Freebies and Deals that can only be found on WQ Mag.com. So make sure you take advantage of those opportunities. If there is anything that you would like to see on the site, just let us know. Thanks for joining and tell your friends. Wes