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  • Backyard Getaway (Lisa)

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My Hometown
About Me
Grew up in Orlando, Two daughters, 26 and 24, living out of state and vaguely interested in enjoying menopause (am easily distracted by shiny objects, errant thoughts and meaningless tangents and segues--i.e., brain is puddle-of-consciousness - wired). I'm sorry, what was the question?
Interests and Hobbies
Please Check back frequently, to see if I've managed to come up with a list, both humble and impressive. I anticipate a well-rounded selection which will engender awe, shameful envy AND an insidious, unsettling need to be my new best friend in all who care to read my "interests and Hobbies".
List Laureate (including, but not limited to, Interests, Hobbies and other random, self-serving Lies) ,
High School?
No, I just sneaked cigarettes in the parking lot. of Trinity Prep. YES, THAT'S RIGHT!!! A PREPARATORY SCHOOL. DON'T JUDGE BEFORE YOU KNOW WHAT REQUIRED SUCH PREPARATION!!
Right. Best four years of my life. I graduated from the Seriously-Dated-To-The-Point-Of-Being-A-Hopelessly-Lost-'Art'-Known-To-Past-Dusty-Generations as a Womens' College, also known as Converse College. It's the cluster of brick buildings dotting green, green grass, surrounded by a wall for the sake of the naive virgins within, in downtown Spartanburg, SC, between the local AMVETS and a spooky important Mill.
Favorite Movies, TV?
Oh no. Not falling for this again. You want me to bring up The Sound of Music, or Love Actually, JUST to best situate me for ridicule. Good thing I figured it out.
Favorite Books?
Sorry, am sure you'll understand that my HOBBY of translating Russian Prison Journals in my off time leaves me so spent with empathy I find it impossible to read plain, run-of-the-mill books, tabloids or the like, what with all those blurring tears common to the REALLY-educated few of us who can FEEL so deeply.
Favorite Websites?
While I find repetition to be another word for "not clever enough to come up with unique answers", I shall risk it and say "please see Hobbies and Interests. Same answer applies here. (Don't forget to sign up to be notified immediately when this answer finally arrives!)
Favorite place to eat?
Oh. Wait. This is NOT a random, happenstance-ish spattering of questions, is it? Great. In case I'm sounding like an annoying, self-absorbed blowhard. I'll make excuses. I'm pretty sure, 76% positive, that as long as you acknowledge (and by 'acknowledge' I mean "vaguely mention") your most annoying flaws, a surprising number of folks will give you a pass. Doesn't seem very useful though, or even legal, come to think of it, giving yourself permission to be obnoxious, as long as you make sure to cop to it. Next: we cover the Question of the Ages: When, precisely does self-deprecating humor morph into shameful, humiliating attention seeking? featuring breakout sessions on How to Answer Questionnaires Maturely and Appropriately (and fifteen sure signs you aren't supposed to be in this particular session) . Oh. and I'll have to say "Paris". ...would be my favorite place to eat.
Favorite place to shop?
I only shop via www.wqmagonline.com, exclusively patronizing the advertisers and by extension, the website, in hopes of becoming their number one most perfect subscriber.
Favorite place to go?
the family room
Do you have kids?
How many?
Childrens age range?
daughters, 24 and 26. Perhaps nobody's pointed out the potential for duplication in this questionnaire. I'm pretty sure I've already covered this subject in another answer. Hold on though..... come to think of it, my daughters are clearly worthy of the extra attention. nevermind.
What are your favorite name brands of clothing?
The entire line of "Modern Menopause Magic". Their grasp of the slimming power of zany, willy nilly stripes, usually horizontal, their dedication to the unique camouflage effect of neck ruffles, hem ruffles, sleeve ruffles, cuff ruffles and ruffle ruffles, their uber-discriminating, forward-thinking loyalty to the priceless HUGE PRINT--be it a field of giant chartreuse asterisks, a never-repeating study in eggplant ampersands, or the simple, yet playful prints of random, upside down V's, sneaky, snaky S's or the ever-popular classic print, The Puffy Exclamation Point Pattern (prized for its alluring succinct and slightly hypnotic "statement"), this brand is for all women who know for a fact that the seven inch bracelet they see advertised is for OTHER women. I highly recommend them--especially their just-released, "Omar The Woman Maker" line...to die for.
I am all for them. However, I think some of these johnny-come-lately shoe "designers" need a crash course in toe cleavage. and, is there some kind of secret law that requires all flats be created from picnic oil cloth?
Purses and Accessories?
ahhhhh......FINALLY!..every matron's best-loved subject. I might be inclined to answer this question if you added sunglasses, nail art and hairstyles. As it stands now, it's not so much a question as it is a dangling participle.
What is your must have for your closet?
a dimmer
Favorite place to get your hair and nails done?
kitchen sink/laundry sink--they tied
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At 12:37pm on June 21, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi -- Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:

Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!



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At 9:29am on June 4, 2009, Juanita Dix-Designer said…
aha, so Anne is it? You certainly have a gift for writing. I did a search for designers and your page came up. Do you do art of any kind or are you an established writer?
At 9:38pm on June 1, 2009, Esther Bird said…
Hi 'who ever you are" - Your profile is very funny. welcome to WQ MAG website. It's a great way to promote your business and meet new people. Please check out my women's workshops on this site under 'events' and also on my website at www.brightfuture4u2.com. I am a certified life coach for women.
At 11:28am on June 1, 2009, Backyard Getaway (Lisa) said…
Hi Anne, I think you will enjoy this site. Lot's of fun give-aways & fun people too!
At 11:27am on June 1, 2009, WQ|mag Admin said…
Anne,You are funny! Just funny!

Welcome to WQ Mag.com. How did you hear about the website? As you may have noticed we are updating the site. In one month we now have 10,000 subscribers and over 500 members so we wanted to add some new features that will make our site even better! Part of making the site better is adding new members just like you, so if you like what you see tell every woman that you know! Enter into the “Invite a New Member Contest” for a $300 gift certificate at T. Georgiano’s Shoe Salon.

Every week we add new Freebies and Deals that can only be found on WQ Mag.com. So make sure you take advantage of those opportunities. If there is anything that you would like to see on the site, just let us know. Thanks for joining and tell your friends. Wes



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