A meeting is being held on Tuesday, January 26th at 5:30 at LONGEVITY for those of you that have an interest in help planning the MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER WALK (October 23, 2010.
Please come and listen to our Logistics Chair discuss what goes into planning such an amazing event!! Find out how you can help even if you only have 5 hours over the next year to help us out we will take it!!
Can't wait to see you there!!
Added by Sarah Wakefield on January 25, 2010 at 11:09am —
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Please join our group and find out how you can help with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer!!
We need helpers, we need walkers, we need survivors, we need you!!!
Find out how you can help!!
Added by Sarah Wakefield on January 19, 2010 at 8:01pm —
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