
Debra Bowis's Blog (16)

Summer Decorating Tips


Added by Debra Bowis on July 15, 2010 at 1:44pm — No Comments

Earth Day Decor

Thursday, April 22nd, marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, a day dedicated to focusing on and celebrating the natural world around us and our impact on it. You can help the earth in hundreds of small ways that add up…


Added by Debra Bowis on April 22, 2010 at 6:07pm — No Comments

Decorating Resolutions 101

We've gotten ready, we've gotten set now we are ready to decorate with the last of our 2010 Decorating Resoutions - 5 & 6.

Resolution 5: I will not be afraid of color. Don't stick with beige or white out of fear. Pick a color scheme you love and on that supports your decorating style and lifestyle. Be sure to keep reading my blog this spring for more tips and a series on color.



Added by Debra Bowis on February 9, 2010 at 7:01pm — No Comments

Decorating Resolutions 101

I want 2010 to be filled with decorating successes for you so I've started a new series called Decorating Resolutions. Last week we "got ready" with resolutions 1 & 2 - determining goals and getting rid of clutter. This week we "get set" with resolutions 3 & 4 - setting a budget and a time frame.

Resolution #3: I will set a decorating budget by (set a date) and stick to it. Even if your budget is limited you don't have to limit your decorating ideas - sometimes the less you… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on January 30, 2010 at 6:16pm — No Comments

Decorating Resolutions 101

It's the middle of January and many of you probably think it's too late to work on resolutions for 2010 but for most people resolutions are only top of mind for the first 30 days so of the new year and then fade into oblivion because they seem overwhelming or overly ambitious. But I'm here to help with a new series: Decorating Resolutions 101.

For the first few weeks we'll work together on our decorating resolutions and then later we'll go… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on January 21, 2010 at 6:36pm — No Comments

The Busy (and cheap) Persons Guide to the Holidays

Getting your home ready for the holidays doesn't have to be as stressful as we make it neither does it have to break the bank. Here are 5 ways to make your home look like a million dollars the easy way.

1. Appeal to the senses - Nothing says Christmas like the smell of a fresh tree but even if you don't have a tree you can simmer holiday poptpourri to smell. Make up a batch of holiday cookies for taste. Play your favorite holiday music for hearing. Snuggle up with a cozy afgan… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on December 8, 2009 at 4:34pm — No Comments

Relationship Decorating

The relationship between an interior decorator and client is a very human one and while not always defined as "friendships" they are often intense and personal. Like a friendship, though, a good working relationship between decorator and client involves a commitment to respect, communication and understanding.

When working with your decorator keep these tips in mind:

You… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on November 19, 2009 at 8:36pm — No Comments

Are your windows going soft?

When shopping for window treatments, its great to know the basics...

Window treatments are classified as hard treatments or soft treatments.

What is a hard treatment?

Hard treatments are factory-made window treatments: blinds, shades and shutters. Hard treatments are not always hard (roller shades or fabric-slat verticals, for example). New styles of hard… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on November 12, 2009 at 7:18pm — No Comments

Creative Resources for Decorating in this Economy

It's getting closer to the holidays and we are all thinking about decorating our homes to welcome loved ones and nuture ourselves but if you're like most of us, the budget hardly supports seasonal gifts much less holiday decorating. Here are 4 creative resources for decorating (and gift shopping) in this economy to inspire you...

1. Swap-o-rama:

Have you ever eyed an item your neighbor had and wished you could have it? Well,… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on November 5, 2009 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Blogging about Design Blogs

As a designer it is my job to follow the trends and what better way to do that than to follow blogs, and, of course, that's one reason we read the WQ Mag blog. For your reading pleasure here's a list of some of my favorite design blogs:

1. DesignSponge - one of the originals and still my favorite.

2. Design Confidential - written by one of… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on October 29, 2009 at 7:50pm — No Comments

How window treatments can make a room feel larger

Everyone wants their home to feel warm and inviting but we also want the room to appear larger. As a rule, I recommend mounting window treatments several inches above the window. For example, say you have an 8' ceiling height and you mount your window treatment under your crown molding or just below the ceiling, not only will the room appear larger but the ceiling height will appear taller as well. Another mistake a homeowner might make would be to add a cornice with a straight bottom and then… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on October 22, 2009 at 4:06pm — 2 Comments

Find Your Style

One of my client’s biggest challenges is finding their decorating style. What they don’t know is that while their home may need a facelift, it speaks volumes about their style. Taking a close look not only at your home but at your life preferences will give you clues to your style:

1. Where do you like to shop? Were you first in line when Ikea opened in Tampa or does a flea market make your heart beat fast? Do you collect West Elm catalogs… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on October 12, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Relationship Decorating

The relationship between an interior decorator and client is a very human one and while not always defined as "friendships" they are often intense and personal. Like a friendship, though, a good working relationship between decorator and client involves a commitment to respect, communication and understanding.

When working with your decorator keep these tips in mind:

You absolutely should expect your decorator to have

  • The ability to…

Added by Debra Bowis on August 18, 2009 at 6:38pm — No Comments

Top 3 Window Problems - SOLVED!

The Top 3 Window Problems - SOLVED! …


Added by Debra Bowis on August 12, 2009 at 3:21pm — No Comments

Trends from the Trenches

As a decorator and design consultant it is part of my job to study the trends and keep abreast of what is new in custom home furnishings and I love that part of my work because it allows me to indulge in one of my favorite pastimes - purusing design blogs and magazines. A trend that I am thrilled is making a comeback is the use of wallcovering in interior decor. For years faux finishes have…

Added by Debra Bowis on April 26, 2009 at 1:43pm — No Comments

Spring has sprung!!

Ahhh...the windows are open and the smell of hibiscus waft through the house. Even in southwest Florida, where most days of the year are balmy and breezy, spring is eagerly awaited. I always look forward to spring, not only for the cool nights and cloudless days, but for the magic in the rebirth of our beautiful world. It is no wonder, then, that springtime is traditionally a time for cleaning out our environments and lightening the look of our homes.

Here are some tips to get you… Continue

Added by Debra Bowis on April 24, 2009 at 6:02pm — 1 Comment

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