
Thursday, April 22nd, marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, a day dedicated to focusing on and celebrating the natural world around us and our impact on it. You can help the earth in hundreds of small ways that add up like walking or riding a biclycle instead of taking your car, recycing paper, glass and aluminum, taking your own bags when your shop, etc. In interior design green means embracing the use of sustainable material and using products that have a reduced impact on the environment and protect our health. Here are a few green design ideas...

  1. Paint. According to the EPA, interior air quality is 3 times more polluted than the outside air. This is due primarily to paint. Paint releases low level toxins into the air for years after application. These toxins, known as volatile organic compounds or VOC's cause distress to people with allergies as well as being harmful to the environment. So harmful in fact that paint disposal is considered to be hazardous waste. Now paint companies offer no or low VOC paint and many of these concerns have been eliminated. Almost every major line offers low VOC paint options but one of my favorite sources for paint and anything for the green home is Healthy Home. You can shop online or take a quick trip to their store in St. Petersburg.

  2. Reuse. I've talked about this before and it's worth repeating again: the most green thing you can do is reuse what you already own or use what others have discarded. Redesign or repurpose it but use it instead of replacing it. If you can't reuse an item, consign or donate it. For reclaimed, reclycled and salvaged items (and lots of ideas!) visit Sarasota Architectural Salvage.
  3. Solar. Sunlight is free - use it!! Solar panels on the roof can heat water for a swimming pool, solar lights on stakes outline a garden path. You can even find solar fountains for a feng shui feel! Visit Lamps Plus for solar lights and fountains.

There are many ways to be green and we've only scratched the surface. What do you do to live responsibly? What changes do you plan to make? If you have any tips, secrets or ideas please share them with us - sharing is responsible and it's living green!

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