
In the current economic situation, many business owners are struggling to continue to be profitable. The things that worked last year, aren't working now. Customers are spending less money and some businesses are having a difficult time. The small business owners need help, and I can provide the assistance they need.

As a certified career coach, I offer a valuable service to all small business owners to help them write their business plan. Why is this important? Because without a detailed plan for the business, the business is likely to struggle and possibly fail. FAILURE TO PLAN IS PLANNING TO FAIL. Don't be one of the unsuccessful business owners that fails because they don't have a plan for your business.

Successful marketing strategy is the true secret to successful business and it's the largest and most important part of a business plan. What marketing have you done? Is it working for you? If not, stop doing it and find something else that will work for you. I can help you in this way.

My service is very extensive and inexpensive. A minimum of three sessions will be included. We will work until you determine that the plan is complete.

Cost of my service - ONLY $249 - Cost of not having a good plan - FAILURE!

Check out my website at www.brightfuture4u2.com. Contact me to get started by calling 941-266-9578.

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