
Do People Really Want to be Helped?

This question came to my mind today and I decided to stick my neck out and do a blog on this topic. I happen to be a certified life and career coach and my focus in my career is to help other people - mostly women but people of both genders. I create and present workshops with this goal in mind. My most recent workshop was titled "Fine Tune Your Interview Skills."

With unemployment at about 10% in this country and the fact that all available jobs are getting hundreds of applicants, I felt this topic was extremely pertinent for today's economic situation. Was I off base? Have I missed something here? Is it only me or do others feel that fine tuning your interview skills is something important for anyone who is seeking employment. And, if it is important, why didn't I have people contacting me and registering for this workshop?

Perhaps I'm egocentric and too confident in my abilities and knowledge. Perhaps this experience has merely been a lesson to educate and humble me. My response to this workshop was surprisingly small. Is it possible that the people who need this information the most can't afford the $30 that I charge? Or, is it possible that they don't see the benefit in developing this skill?

If you have any opinions on this topic, I would enjoy hearing from you. Perhaps I'm out of touch with reality and can't see the truth here. I'm truly open to hear what others think so I encourage you to send me a message. Thanks.

Check out my website at www.brightfuture4u2.com

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Comment by Backyard Getaway (Lisa) on June 4, 2009 at 9:48am
I think you are on track. It is important if you are looking for work that you fine tune your interview skills. I don't know why people don't sign up for workshops but if you find out why please let me know. We have the same problem. Our business is very different than yours but we offer Free classes on pond related topics, we also have a Free pond club. We have had so many customers inquire about our classes or show interest but when it comes down to it very few actually participate. I have talked to others that do similar monthly workshops & they have the same response. I don't think it's the money because we don't charge. Maybe it's timing or maybe you are right people don't want help or are embarrassed to admit they need help. Either way, I understand your frustration.



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