
Marketing Tip of the Week: How to be remembered in a positive way.

Be Authentic. To me, being authentic means being yourself and believing in what you are saying and doing.
Are you selling a product that you don’t have faith in? Unless you are a good actor or actress people will see it and feel it. If you are in this position find a new job or a new product because, it is unhealthy. It creates cognitive dissonance, so you will likely lose self esteem and lose the respect of others.

In his book What Clients Love, Harry Beckwith suggests that you ask for what you want up front. A client will feel ripped off if they start thinking you really care about them and then you say, “Oh, by the way…” and start reading a script to sell them something. Think about how long it takes you, to figure out that a call is from a telemarketer?

Once in a while call or email a client and ask how they are doing without asking for anything else. Just listen. People love to be heard and they will remember you.

Frank Gomez is a freelance Graphic Artist in Sarasota
His website is www.FranksDesigns.com

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Comment by Doug Ross on August 3, 2009 at 7:43pm
Listening is a much bigger deal than most people suppose it to be. How do you know if your friend/acquaintance is really hearing what you are saying? Keep what you are saying short and on point, and then ask, so what do think about what I just said.

When you are listening, let the person know you heard them. Paraphrase it for them to see if you are on their wave length.

Doug Ross



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