
Imagine yourself in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico in a 22 foot cabin cruiser. You’re sitting in the back of the boat, relaxing and feeling the sun on your face and the waves and tide rocking you back and forth. The rise and fall of the water is refreshing and relaxing – predictable and comfortable in it’s rythmic movement. You are allowing the tide take you anywhere it wants to. The tide is in charge.

Is that how you’re living your life? Are you sitting back relaxing and letting others or another force mold your life. Or are you in charge?

To be in charge of your boat or your life, you have to get out of your seat, move forward and grab the wheel. Only then can you steer your life in the direction you want it to go in. By taking hold of the wheel, you are empowering yourself to direct your boat and your life to the success and accomplishments you desire.

Don’t hesitate – grab the wheel of your life NOW! Make choices and decisions about your future. Steer your life toward success and happiness. You’ll be glad you did.

If you need help steering your life to success and happiness, working with a coach would benefit you. Don’t just think about it, take action and get the help you need to make the change.

Visit my website at www.brightfuture4u2.com

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