
How is breast thermal imaging different than a mammogram?
A mammogram, or an x-ray of the breast, is able to see an anatomical structure, such as tumor, anomalies in breast tissue structure or calcifications that may indicate the presence of a tumor. Mammograms have difficulty with breasts that have very dense tissue, which may cause a cancerous tumor to be missed. Also, mammograms are unable to detect Inflammatory Breast Cancer since there is no tumor formation.
Thermal imaging is able to study thermal patterns created by blood-flow to areas of the breasts. Malignant tumors and Inflammatory Breast Cancer both require a blood supply for nourishment and growth. These physiological events make a thermogram very suspicious. Blood flow is established quite early in the process of cancer development--and thermal imaging is able to detect these changes just as early with close monitoring. Unlike mammography, thermal imaging is not hindered by breast density or other factors, such as breast implants.
Thermal imaging does not use any radiation or breast compression, which makes it non-toxic and pain-free.

Why, then, isn't thermal imaging generally used to screen for breast cancer?
The reasons are somewhat complex, however, the principal reason is lack of knowledge and understanding. Mammograms have been strongly entrenched as our "gold standard' for cancer screening. We've been taught and convinced that it's the only 'proven' method. But, is it? Understanding the role of blood flow in the breast can only enhance our ability to detect it--and detect it much earlier. However, the prevalent mind-set is that there is no cancer present unless a mammogram finds signs of a tumor or the person feels a lump. The cancer industry is set up to deal with established tumors that can be seen (which means that for several or more years tumors grow undetected).
Another issue is the decision of most insurance companies to pay only for mammograms, again based on the prevailing mind-set and lack of knowledge. "Standard of care" medicine very rarely allows for change or enhancement.

It's been said that thermal imaging can help evaluate pre-cancerous risk factors--that it can be a preventative test. How?
Since thermal imaging evaluates physiological information, it is better able to evaluate cysts, fibrocystic condition, lymphatic congestion and vascular patterns. These are all physiological events caused by stress, diet, exercise, and hormone imbalance -- all of which have been established as risk factors for developing breast disease--benign or malignant. When this information is available to us we are better equipped to change the lifestyle issues that may help us prevent the disease. Evaluating risk factors should start early, and by age 20 is not too early!

Have a question or comment? Want to learn more? Contact me with your comment or for more privacy, email me at ririm@msn.com.

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Comment by Charmaine Tincher on August 26, 2009 at 4:21pm
Hey Deb, Just read your response above as yes we were just talking about this! See what you put out there in the Universe really does come back to ya! Great Article Rita, thank you for enlighting us. We need more information like this as we should all be more responsible and knowledgable to all our health choices, After all it is our Body!
Comment by Angela Ruggiero on August 25, 2009 at 11:39am
As a woman with dense breasts, I wish they would get this test in the mainstream before they decide I need another biopsy. Thanks for the info on an alternative.
Comment by Debbie Amon on August 25, 2009 at 10:04am
Thank you so much for this article Rita. I was speaking to a friend just last night about this. She was asking me what the difference was. Now I am going to send her your article.
Comment by admin on August 24, 2009 at 11:50pm
Here is more information on Thermography... Click To Read

1)Thermography Information plus $99 offer

2)Thermograms NOT Mammograms Posted by Dr. Zae Zatoon

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