
Debbie Amon
  • Female
  • Sarasota, FL
  • United States
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  • Rhoda Waiss
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Profile Information

My Hometown
I moved a lot - mostly in Michigan, Indiana & Kentucky. Been in Sarasota since 1978
In a relationship
About Me
Home based business entrepreneur with a focus on internet marketing.

Do You Have Pain?
Helping people to help themselves in just Minutes.
A Self Care Evolution - The only Energy Wellness company in the World.

You can find me every Saturday morning at the Farmers Market. Starting at the St Pete Farmers Market in the Fall. Stop by for a sample of fresh Green Tea. Learn about Green Tea or Order at our site.
Interests and Hobbies
Animals, nature, photography, travel, gardening
Marketing and Sales
High School?
In Indiana
Favorite Movies, TV?
I enjoy most movies.

Don't spend much time watching TV.
Favorite Books?
Personal Development / Inspirational

Favorite: Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Favorite place to shop?
Ellenton Outlet Mall & Chicos. Marshalls, T J Maxx
Do you have kids?
What are your favorite name brands of clothing?
Whatever looks good and feels good.
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Debbie Amon's Blog

First China, then Japan and now the World

Posted on July 28, 2009 at 4:50pm 0 Comments

The type of tea called “green tea” has long been consumed by the Chinese and Japanese almost exclusively, with cultural ties dating to the first millennium A.D. and, in particular, to tea ceremonies from the twelfth century.

In the initial phases of tea consumption in the United States and Europe, both black and green teas were regularly drunk. Over time, the British traveled down the tea road while the rest of Europe and the United States gradually turned to coffee.

In… Continue

20 Health Benefits to Drink Green Tea

Posted on July 22, 2009 at 9:57am 0 Comments

Much research has been done on the many health benefits of Green Tea. Although, as I wrote in a previous blog, in order to fully access those benefits you must choose a high quality green tea.

After learning more about the numerous health benefits, you may decide it is worth the little extra research needed in making the best green tea choice for yourself.

This is a list of 20 reasons to drink Green Tea:

1.) Great Source of Natural Antioxidants – the EGCG* found… Continue

Are you Drinking the Right Kind of Green Tea?

Posted on July 15, 2009 at 5:30pm 2 Comments

Yes, you have heard that Green Tea is good for you. Perhaps you’re already drinking some of the green tea products popular now.

But the real question is whether you’re getting the right kind of Green Tea? If you want to make wise choices regarding the best green tea for your health; isn’t it a good idea to educate yourself a bit first?

Let’s take a look at some of the varieties of green tea you may have seen, heard of, or tried yourself.

Let’s start with… Continue

The Power of Laughter

Posted on June 25, 2009 at 2:00pm 1 Comment

You know, sometimes life just gets too serious...too busy...and too complicated.

Before we realize it, we are wondering where all the fun has gone.

Did you know that laughter is generally considered to be an essential behavior of a happy, joyful person? Studies have proven that laughter is healthy as well.

So why not take some time each day, make an effort to relax, and let yourself laugh. Our bodies do not know the difference between thinking about doing something… Continue

One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

Posted on June 23, 2009 at 11:00am 3 Comments

Setbacks don’t just happen, they happen for a purpose. A door closing should be thought of as a source of new strength, not as a failure. Those who are optimistic and able to fight off adversity use the wisdom of ‘One door closes, another door opens’ as incentive to move ahead. Those who fall over and play dead remain losers throughout life.

Don’t let a negative attitude be an obstacle. You can change your attitude.

We all get knocked down in life. It’s not the end of the… Continue

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At 2:13pm on June 4, 2011, Rhoda Waiss said…

Hello Debbie - I love your energy and approach to things.  Think we will make great contacts!  Sorry it took me so long to respond.  I honestly signed up here and sort of forgot about it.  Got real busy and just recently remembered to finish getting connected here as well;-)  Hope to chat soon. 



At 11:44am on June 20, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi Debbie -- Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:

Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!



Please join me at:

Please follow me at:
At 9:38am on October 9, 2009, Joy Leitner said…
PS Debbie, I know you are always looking for things and by now I am sure you have checked global verge out. Right? Did I see you at a meeting for that? I can't remember where I run into you now. Here there and everywhere. Did you join? Let me know. If not, I will send you a link to check out to the new website.

This is really the best deal I have seen yet.
At 9:35am on October 9, 2009, Joy Leitner said…
Sorry I have been a little MIA, but setting up marketing strategies for a few businesses can be time consuming. In the next few weeks I will be going into strict promotional and sales mode so you will be hearing more from me. in the mean time, check out this link to my new site which is going to be a powerful and extremely affordable (cheap has such bad connotations!) advertising tool especially for those who are small business owners. Lets get together soon and discuss what cardzooey can do for you and your business!

If you use ie let me know right away if you have troubles because I have recently found issues with some people who use ie6 but not all, so we are trying to figure that out. Firefox works brilliantly!

And Remember....

It’s a jungle out there!

Catch all the business in one place…

At 2:22pm on August 18, 2009, Michelle Donner said…
Thanks for all your compliments Debbie.. Keep visiting.. I try to add photos all the time.. even though recently it has been events.. I love to add to my nature photos... that is my favorite..
At 2:20pm on August 18, 2009, Michelle Donner said…
Thank you Debbie!
At 4:53pm on August 11, 2009, Nelly Camardo said…
Hi Debbie,
I missed it, but other people & friends told me, glad you saw it! Thanks...Nelly.
At 12:21pm on August 6, 2009, Carole Stevens Bibisi said…
Hi Debbie! you have a lovely smile! Thank you for your encouraging words. I especially love creating mandalas, & the bright pure colors I use resonate with the chakras for my own healing, meditation, & joyfullness. I'm making enquiries about taking my art to the Licensing level & I've prepared a photoshop booklet with my designs on products to show what they could look like. I know I need to find a licensing agent to make all the connections so I can concentrate on creating more art. It's all about networking & making connections to help & support each other. Any ideas & suggestions would be greatly appreciated Debbie. I also love animals, especially black cats; (see my book 'Tails' of American Bronte)Some of my cat artworks hang in Animals by Nature. Be sure to check out my website for lots more. Thank you again Debbie.
kind regards,
At 8:51am on August 6, 2009, Diane White said…
Thank you for that feedback Debbie. I appreciate it.
At 1:27pm on August 5, 2009, L. Boutique (Crystal) said…
Thank You for registering!!
Stop in and mention the contest to receive $10 OFF a purchase of $100 or more!!!
See you soon:)




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